About six years ago Carolyn was talking with me about weblogs or blogs as they’re commonly known now. She saw the possibilities right away while I was trying to wrap my head around it to figure out how I’d like to do it. While I had a web site with Apple’s Mac.com service, I hadn’t registered my own domain. But then bitdepth.org was finally purchased and the next step was figuring out what to put there and how to put it there.
I decided to use Rael Dornfest’s blosxom due to the simplicity and elegance of it. The posts consist of text files and a small Perl script turns it into a blog. It has served me very well and at this point it’s been running for five years and has been with two different ISPs. While “redo my blog” has been on my list of things to do for a long time, it hasn’t been a high priority because it works and a lot more of my energy goes into other things such as 43 Things , Vox and tumblr (which I really like). The next step here is to switch from blosxom to typo and it could happen this Summer since I will have some free time and a new coat of paint and a bit more flexibility in configuring the blog will probably result in a bit more writing here.
Thanks for coming around here and keep checking in for the next five years, which should be pretty exciting.
tags: bitdepth, blog