The screen of my MacBook Pro (an aluminum one with an LED screen) is unfortunately one of the ones that is defective so it needs to be sent out. Luckily it’s been intermittent, and I’ve got an external monitor at work and one at home, so when it does go out, I could still work. It’s going out for repair tomorrow which means that I’ll be working with a MacBook. Using Foxmarks and keeps my bookmarks organized, and with Sxipper I manage my logins, so I just had to backup my passwords to use them on the temporary computer. Over the past few months I’ve been using Time Machine with an external drive, so everything should be backed up, but I’ve also been burning DVDs as well as copying files to another external drive. So my documents are backed up and most of my mail is through Gmail, so it shouldn’t be too much of a pain. NetNewsWire is great to use since it syncs and I won’t notice any difference in my newsreading. But the biggest challenge turned out to be what to do with my iPod and how it syncs with iTunes.