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Andy Jones: To The Wall September 20, 2003 film About a year and half ago I was at a conference in New Brunswick that featured a showcase with a great lineup of Atlantic Canadian talent. The Festival Fun September 19, 2003 film Today was a busy day and I’m just in the middle of it. The Atlantic Film Festival is in full swing now and the nice highlight and heart and oasis of The Station Agent September 18, 2003 film Yesterday I saw the American independent feature, The Station Agent, which is showing tonight as the Anniversary Gala as part of the Atlantic Film Les Invasions Barbares September 18, 2003 film Denys Arcand is Quebec’s top director…he’s made some of my favourite films, including Jésus de Montréal, as well as Le Déclin de L’Empire Américain Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself September 17, 2003 film Every now and then you see a film that you don’t know anything about and experience everything about it in a fresh way. I didn’t know much about The Magical Workshop of Ann Marie Fleming September 17, 2003 film On Monday I attended a great workshop with Ann Marie Fleming, the creative force behind The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam. The workshop was a AKA September 17, 2003 film A few nights ago I saw Duncan Roy’s AKA which is a no-budget 35mm feature that tells the story of Dean Page, who manages to jump above his station. Proteus September 16, 2003 film John Greyson’s latest feature film is the hauntingly beautiful Proteus, which, on the surface, tells the story of love triangle set in 1725 in a John Greyson Master Class September 16, 2003 film I’m so glad that I saw Proteus and then was able to take John Greyson’s Directing Master Class. It was a lot of fun and was packed with clips and International Shorts I September 16, 2003 film The International Shorts I program at the Atlantic Film Festival was great. It’s one of the reasons that I love going to festivals as shorter work Frame x Frame I September 16, 2003 film The first animated shorts program of the Atlantic Film Festival, Frame x Frame, was a diverse and entertaining mixture of styles, technique, and The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam September 13, 2003 film Long Tack Sam was an acrobat, magician, performer and vaudevillian who was one of the most amazing performers of all time. He’s also Ann Marie On The Corner September 13, 2003 film Nathaniel Geary’s feature film debut is On the Corner, which tells the story of a brother and sister struggling to survive in Vancouver’s Downtown 23rd Atlantic Film Festival September 12, 2003 film Today the latest installment of the Atlantic Film Festival starts in Halifax. It’s a great festival that is big enough to have a wide range of Digital Dialogues September 11, 2003 art I’ve had the good fortune to be included as part of an exhibition at the Acadia University Art Gallery called “Digital Dialogues: connecting in art Kleenex of the Internet September 9, 2003 technology & google Just about the only place that you hear people say “tissue” is in a film. The word “Kleenex®” which is Kimberly-Clark’s facial tissue product has Whale Rider September 6, 2003 film Last night I saw Whale Rider, which is an amazing film from New Zealand. Based on a novel by Witi Ihimaera and directed by Niki Caro it tells the Fun With NetNewsWire September 2, 2003 netnewswire & rss I love NetNewsWire. I registered it and use the pro version and it’s always running in my dock. Now it’s the main source for news for me. It’s also Processing Alpha September 1, 2003 technology & art I’ve discovered a new environment for developing and exploring the possibilities of digital media. One of the problems in working with digital media Updating Blosxom August 19, 2003 blosxom I’ve updated to the latest version of Blosxom and there may be some strange things over the next few days as I play with the new plugins, etc. The Next page