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Teaching as Improvisational Game July 3, 2014 clmooc & learning & nintendo & super mario galaxy & teaching One of the best parts of #clmooc is how the sharing of resources and discussion broadens and deepens everything. For the third cycle the topic is Starting in CLMOOC Again June 21, 2014 clmooc & connected learning & learning & teaching The end of the term is the beginning of summer vacation for many teachers. Thinking about teaching and learning wouldn’t be what you necessarily A Credo for Teaching August 1, 2013 clmooc & credo & learning & teaching As part of the Making Learning Connected MOOC (#clmooc) I’ve been reflecting on teaching and learning over the month of July. Part of the process is Teaching Electronic Toolkit June 26, 2013 clmooc & learning & teaching & tools As the school year ends I like to think about what I do and how I can do it better. You need to have a system to stay on track to be able to get Trust and Business and Teaching July 17, 2003 teaching I’m firmly embedded in a discourse of teaching, learning and supporting now. It’s everywhere around me and as with every time you are really into Faculty Orientation August 23, 2002 learning & teaching & nscc Today I’m leaving Truro after a week of Faculty Orientation to the NS Community College. It’s hard to believe that it’s over and that so much seems