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Circular Logic: Around the Block in Fredericton July 15, 2008 art & video http://blip.tv/play/AcKrQgA A few years ago I took a great workshop that Chris Giles gave at the NB Filmmakers’ Co-operative in Fredericton. In the Circular Logic: 6 Loops in Wolfville May 29, 2008 art & video http://blip.tv/play/AbnqHAA I’ve always liked using things in ways that they weren’t intended and in 2003 for the Digital Dialogues exhibition I Stop Motion Animation Workshop July 16, 2004 art Last weekend I facilitated a stop motion animation workshop at Faucet, the media arts part of the artist-run centre Struts Gallery in Sackville, New Circular Logic June 25, 2004 art & video Last week I uploaded Circular Logic: 6 Loops in Wolfville to my space at ZeD. The Circular Logic project originally happened for the Digital People Like Us November 18, 2003 art & music & sound One thing that I’ve realized is that while I have a bit of a background and interest in sound I don’t have a lot of sound-related stuff on the Digital Dialogues September 11, 2003 art I’ve had the good fortune to be included as part of an exhibition at the Acadia University Art Gallery called “Digital Dialogues: connecting in art Processing Alpha September 1, 2003 technology & art I’ve discovered a new environment for developing and exploring the possibilities of digital media. One of the problems in working with digital media Bloomsday June 16, 2003 art Today is Bloomsday, the day that James Joyce’s Ulysses took place in 1904. Sip (I’m enjoying a pint of Guinness right now). Ulysses is an amazing They Are Dynamic March 29, 2003 art Iamstatic is back with a redesign and new members. Featured works are by James Paterson and Randy Knott. I saw Randy’s “Don’t Forget to Remember” in Born Magazine March 8, 2003 art I just checked out the Winter 2003 issue of Born Magazine. There is some great stuff there. The “Just Born” section combines an artist and a writer MOMA Russian Avant-Garde Book Exhibition October 11, 2002 art & books The Museum of Modern Art in New York is an amazing place. While working on Echoes in the Rink: The Willie O’Ree Story we shot in New York and I was Intercontinental Spontaneous Jam Session July 31, 2002 art Páll Thayer is an Icelandic artist who has launched his Intercontinental Spontaneous Jam Session on the Web. I saw a version of the ISJS at the Transe Atlantique June 8, 2002 art & film One of the highlights of my time in Moncton (those 4 nights and 5 days last month) was meeting some of the people from the place and going to an