On Set
August 22, 2016
afcoop & aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film & filmmaking & learning
There is a special feeling when you are on a film set. A balance of anticipation, excitement, and calm. It feels comfortable while also being in a
CLMOOC 2016: An Introduction to Me
July 14, 2016
clmooc & learning
Trying to figure out what to do with CLMOOC is a challenge each time (here is how I started in 2015 and how I began in 2014. The easiest thing for
Geolocating Myself In The Landscape of Grand-Pré
July 28, 2015
biking & clmooc & connected learning & grand-pre & learning & places
In keeping with my less thinking and more making goal for Making Learning Connected this year, I woke up and saw it wasn’t raining, so I hopped on
Games and Learning
July 24, 2015
clmooc & connected learning & games & learning
Every year with the Connected Learning MOOC the pattern with me seems to be diving in, getting caught up in other summer stuff, and starting to lose
My Favourite Teacher
July 9, 2015
clmooc & festivals & learning & people
I’m in the middle of the connected learning that is happening as part of #clmooc this year and Joe Dillon tagged me in the Google Plus community as
Remediating an Introduction
July 2, 2015
audio & clmooc & connected learning & learning
The second make cycle of CLMOOC is on and I struggled a little bit with what to do in remediating something. Using one of the suggestions from the
Unmaking an Introduction
June 22, 2015
clmooc & film & learning & music
The past couple of years the Connected Learning MOOC (Massively Open Online Collaboration) has been conducted by Educator Innovator and the National
Teaching as Improvisational Game
July 3, 2014
clmooc & learning & nintendo & super mario galaxy & teaching
One of the best parts of #clmooc is how the sharing of resources and discussion broadens and deepens everything. For the third cycle the topic is
Cinematic Memes
June 26, 2014
clmooc & film & frances ha & learning & memes & pacific rim
Asa Butterfield and Chloe Grace Moretz in Hugo As part of the Making Learning Connected MOOC (#clmooc) we’ve been talking about memes. The most
Starting in CLMOOC Again
June 21, 2014
clmooc & connected learning & learning & teaching
The end of the term is the beginning of summer vacation for many teachers. Thinking about teaching and learning wouldn’t be what you necessarily
A Credo for Teaching
August 1, 2013
clmooc & credo & learning & teaching
As part of the Making Learning Connected MOOC (#clmooc) I’ve been reflecting on teaching and learning over the month of July. Part of the process is
Teaching Electronic Toolkit
June 26, 2013
clmooc & learning & teaching & tools
As the school year ends I like to think about what I do and how I can do it better. You need to have a system to stay on track to be able to get
Making Coffee
June 18, 2013
clever & clmooc & coffee & connected learning & learning
This is the beginning of the Making Learning Connected Massive Open Online Collaboration (MOOC) or the more hashtaggy #clmooc. It’s a neat summer
Learning and Teaching
May 30, 2010
I’ve been lucky to have had some amazing teachers in my life. That’s definitely been an influence on me becoming a teacher as my love of learning
Back to School
September 7, 2008
The first week of school is done at the Nova Scotia Community College where I teach in the Screen Arts program. It is always a busy and exciting
Super Mario Galaxy as a Model for Learning
January 26, 2008
games & learning
I’ve been playing Super Mario Galaxy a lot on the Wii and thinking how it’s quite enjoyable and that I’m also learning a lot (in the context of a
Full Circle
October 28, 2007
Five years ago I started working at the Nova Scotia Community College and one of the requirements for full-time employees is that they have to take
Integrating Humanity into the Classroom
June 17, 2007
All too often we seek technological solutions to human problems. In gearing up for the Fall term I’ve been thinking about ways to integrate
August 2, 2004
nscc & learning & work
Two years ago (less two weeks) I began a journey with the Nova Scotia Community College . I attended New Faculty Orientation which was the first of
Summer Institute
July 16, 2003
The Summer Institute is about halfway through and I’m tired and happy
as I think about the experience here in Truro. Whether intentional or not,
Learning in Truro
July 7, 2003
Working for the Nova Scotia Community College has been a great experience in that I’ve been able to meet some great people, teach things that I love
Faculty Orientation
August 23, 2002
learning & teaching & nscc
Today I’m leaving Truro after a week of Faculty Orientation to the NS Community College. It’s hard to believe that it’s over and that so much seems
Hot in Truro
August 18, 2002
learning & nscc
I’m in Truro, Nova Scotia now at the beginning of a week-long course that I am taking at the NS Community College campus. The participants are from