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My Favourite Teacher July 9, 2015 clmooc & festivals & learning & people I’m in the middle of the connected learning that is happening as part of #clmooc this year and Joe Dillon tagged me in the Google Plus community as Ada Lovelace Day - Inspiring Women March 24, 2009 people It’s Ada Lovelace Day and I’ve signed the pledge to create a blog post drawing attention to women excelling in technology following in the footsteps Friendly Rules January 31, 2009 people & web At the recent and wonderful Podcamp Halifax, the first session that I attended was Joel Kelly’s “Unfriend Someone Today”, which was all about small, specific, and real November 22, 2008 people & web What makes something compelling in any form, mediated or not? Popularity means an audience but in that crowd, people form the connection. Memories Twitter is Made of People May 13, 2008 twitter & people & technology Some of the best things that are invented and we use were created accidentally such as the microwave or things like Blogger or Flickr. Now my latest Community November 5, 2004 people & web I’ve been lucky to be part of many different communities in my life. At the time you don’t necessarily think of them as communities as they just Filling the Void October 20, 2004 people Hugh MacLeod draws cartoons on the back of business cards and he’s been sharing those cards as well as his great insights into the creative process blog1979 June 28, 2004 people Daniel Dugas found an old journal in a box and he’s putting parts of it up. 25 years ago he took a trip around Canada and the U.S.A. starting and Conversations June 23, 2004 people Doc Searls points to a great bit of writing on Britt Blaser’s blog Escapable Logic. He writes about blogs as conversations (which is not new) and Neil Postman March 25, 2004 people I know of Neil Postman primarily as the author and critic of technology from his book Amusing Ourselves to Death. His theory from the 1986 book is Small World October 24, 2002 people & travel Sometimes I’m amazed at how the world seems so small. I’m in Yarmouth now, which is the left side of the map of Nova Scotia. I drove 300 kms West That’s Why It’s the Web June 24, 2002 web & technology & people Sometimes when you surf around you find the strangest connections and then at some point you almost wind up looking at yourself in the mirror or at Brigitte Noel and Rodrigo Guiterrez June 9, 2002 people What ultimately convinced me to go to Moncton for the conference was finding out that Brigitte was the facilitator of the e-lounge. I first met Valerie LeBlanc and Daniel Dugas June 8, 2002 people One of the briefest meetings that I had in Moncton was with Valerie LeBlanc and Daniel Dugas. They arrived near the end of the conference as they Jan Marontate June 7, 2002 people I met Jan at conference in Moncton as she was on the panel hosted by Zenon and also featuring Valérie and myself. The embarrassing part is that she Gair Dunlop June 7, 2002 people One of the last persons that I met at the Moncton conference was Gair Dunlop from Scotland (and now I’m back to where are your from, etc, etc, etc, Arnfinnur Einarsson June 6, 2002 people Arnfinnur is the last of the Icelandic artists who came to the Atlantic Cultural Space conference in Moncton that I’ll talk about. We were roommates Dawn Anderson June 6, 2002 people Dawn is an artist from New Brunswick who I met at the conference in Moncton. She presented and talked about an installation recently exhibited at David “Jhave” Johnston June 5, 2002 people David Johnston, also known as Jhave, is a very neat guy who thinks in amazing ways. Part of the Year Zero One online artist-run centre, his Randy Knot and Ron Gervais June 5, 2002 people Randy and Ron were presented some of their work at the Moncton conference. Two amazingly talented and nice guys who were based in Halifax, but were Páll Thayer May 31, 2002 people One of the cool artists who came over from Iceland for the Moncton conference was Páll. He’s doing some very cool stuff with sound and images that Valérie Lamontagne May 30, 2002 people I’ve known about Valérie’s work before, but I met her for the first time in person at the conference in Moncton and we were on a panel together. Saoirse Higgins & Mathieu Léger May 30, 2002 people The first person that I met on my way to the ACS Conference in Moncton was Mathieu. He was driving the van to the airport in Halifax to pick up me Andrea Cooper May 30, 2002 people On the first night of the Atlantic Cultural Space conference in Moncton Andrea Cooper wrapped up the “Nymphs of the Night” show with a great Birgitta Jonsdottir May 29, 2002 people The second person I met on my way to the Atlantic Cultural Space Conference was Birgitta. She’s an artist from Iceland (location seems to determine