Favourite Films of 2020
February 27, 2021
2020 & film & lists
It was a different year in 2020 for film watching. While it started off normally, the arrival of the pandemic radically altered things, especially
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2020 Galas
September 12, 2020
2020 & film & fin & fin stream & festivals
It’s been a challenging year for everyone and filmmakers and film festivals are no exception. The experience of making and watching films is
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2020 Preview
September 12, 2020
2020 & film & fin & festivals & fin stream
While overall, there are fewer films this year at FIN Atlantic International Film Festival, there is still a lot to choose from. The best option is
My Favourite Films of 2019
February 9, 2020
2019 & film
It was a good year for films and I enjoyed a lot of what I saw. We said farewell to the remarkable Agnès Varda and many powerful voices emerged and
Best of the 39th FIN Atlantic International Film Festival
September 29, 2019
fin & film & festivals
The 39th annual FIN Atlantic International Film Festival was a lot of fun as usual. I saw more films than last year (26 features) and the
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2019 Fiction Features
September 9, 2019
fin & film & festivals
As the latest edition of the FIN Atlantic International Film Festival approaches I’m going to highlight some of the fictional (non-Gala) features
2019 FIN Atlantic International Film Festival Galas
September 5, 2019
fin & film & festivals
Every year the FIN Atlantic International Film Festival provides a wealth of films from the region and around the world to watch. It’s a great time
The Films of Agnès Varda
September 1, 2019
agnes varda & film & history
The first film by Agnès Varda that I saw was probably The Gleaners and I which is a good introduction to her style as she heartily embraced the
Best Films of 2018
February 24, 2019
2018 & bestof2018 & film & review
It’s the film awards season again and as the stories and discussions go on, it’s important to remember and keep the focus on the films and the
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2018 Documentaries, Features, and Special Presentations
September 13, 2018
festival & finaiff & finaiff2018 & film & festivals
With almost 200 films screening over a week, the Atlantic International Film Festival presents a number of challenges every day in terms of deciding
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2018 Preview, Galas, Restored!, and Extreme
September 12, 2018
finaiff & fin & finaiff2018 & festival & film & festivals
The latest edition of the FIN Atlantic International Film Festival is underway and there is another great range of films to see. With almost 200
Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival 2018 Preview
June 1, 2018
hiff2018 & festival & film & festivals
It is a challenging time for film festivals as the flattened distribution model makes it a bit less special to see something at a theatre, so
How and What I Watched in 2017
March 3, 2018
film & 52filmsbywomen & quantified self & lists
Each year I watch a lot of films and to keep track of them can be a challenge, so the primary way that I log and remember films is through the
Favourite Films of 2017
January 30, 2018
film & lists & bestof2017
It was a good year for films and to make it easier for me I started my favourite films of 2017 list early in the year. It can be challenging to keep
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2017
October 1, 2017
aiff2017 & festival & festivals & film & fin
With a rebrand and taking over the Park Lane cinema screens, the 2017 edition of the FIN: Atlantic International Film Festival was a solid week of
September 20, 2017
fin & film & preview & festival
The final two days of the FIN Atlantic International Film Festival still have a wide range of films to see from documentaries to dramas. Here is a
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2017 Preview Part 2
September 17, 2017
aiff & aiff2017 & festival & festivals & film & fin & fin2017 & preview
With the festival fully underway with some great films here is a preview of what is in store for Monday and Tuesday. Lucky On Monday things get
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2017 Preview Part 1
September 15, 2017
aiff & aiff2017 & festival & festivals & film & fin2017 & preview
The newly rebranded FIN: Atlantic International Film Festival has started this year in Halifax. It’s a great opportunity to connect with the local
FIN Atlantic International Film Festival 2017 Gala Preview
September 13, 2017
aiff & festival & festivals & film & fin2017
It’s September and in Halifax that means that the film festival is happening. Newly rebranded as FIN Atlantic International Film Festival, it’s
52 Films by Women
July 17, 2017
52filmsbywomen & film & lists
Most of the films released around the world have male directors. It’s a challenge to seek out more films directed by women and it needs conscious
Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival 2017
June 5, 2017
afcoop & festival & festivals & film & hiff2017
The eleventh year of the Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival begins on Wednesday, June 7 with the first of two Atlantic Auteurs screenings.
Favourite Films of 2016
February 12, 2017
bestof2016 & film & lists & review
It started with the cool and carefully-constructed story of a young woman dealing with paranoia and witchcraft (The Witch) and ended with a young
Day 8 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016
September 23, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film
Spectres of Shortwave The final day of the 36th Atlantic Film Festival was a good one after a great week. It’s the point where the long days start
Day 7 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016
September 22, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film
Paterson On the penultimate day of the festival I was able to fill the afternoon and evening with screenings. So much good work up on the screen
Day 6 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016
September 21, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film
Juste la fin du monde The Atlantic Film Festival this year has been solid with a range of films and styles and approaches. It can be tiring, but
Day 5 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016
September 20, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film & review
Julieta Another full day of films at the 36th Atlantic Film Festival with literary adaptations with different approaches bookending the day. So many
Day 4 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016
September 19, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film
Breagh MacNeil in Werewolf Sunday was a full day at the Atlantic Film Festival with films from noon until midnight with filmmakers and audiences
Day 3 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016
September 18, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review
Day 3 of the Atlantic Film Festival this year was another great one filled with films and conversations. The images and sounds and conversations
Day 2 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016
September 17, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film & review
Moonlight The second official day and the first full day of screenings at the 36th Atlantic Film Festival wrapped up yesterday and it had great
Day 1 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016 - Maudie
September 16, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film & maudie
Director Aisling Walsh and some of the talented women behind and in front of the camera. With the customary gala introductions within the setting of
36th Atlantic Film Festival Features 2016
September 14, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & preview
Things to Come The 36th Atlantic Film Festival begins on Thursday, September 15 and there are a lot of films to see. I went through the films in the
36th Atlantic Film Festival Galas 2016
September 12, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & preview
This year marks the exciting return of the gala program to the Oxford Theatre for the Atlantic Film Festival. While a bit less convenient than
36th Atlantic Film Festival Atlantic Program 2016
August 28, 2016
aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film & preview
The 36th edition of the Atlantic Film Festival is coming up and the Atlantic Program was recently announced. It’s filled with a mix of familiar
On Set
August 22, 2016
afcoop & aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film & filmmaking & learning
There is a special feeling when you are on a film set. A balance of anticipation, excitement, and calm. It feels comfortable while also being in a
The Films of Arnaud Desplechin
April 10, 2016
A Christmas Tale & arnaud desplechin & Esther Kahn & film & Jimmy P. & Kings and Queen & My Sex Life... Or How I Got Into an Argument
Arnaud Desplechin creates complex, intellectual films that have a strong emotional core. They have melodramatic elements and are elaborately
How I Watched Films in 2015
March 23, 2016
data & film & history & letterboxd & visualization
Films watched grouped in a word cloud generated from Jason Davies’ site . The days of physical media are going away. As I look through the data of
Best Films of 2015
January 5, 2016
bestof2015 & film & lists & review
Early in the year I was able to get to see Inherent Vice after seeing it appear on some “best of” lists for 2014. It’s a strange thing sometimes
The Time and Space of Chantal Akerman
October 10, 2015
Chantal Akerman & cinema & film & Jeanne Dielman 23 quai du Commerce 1080 Bruxelles
Chantal Akerman in Je Tu Il Elle For me cinema is time and space. — Chantal Akerman A filmmaker who put herself deeply into her films and changed
Best of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival
September 29, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & review
In anticipation of a film festival you create impressions of films based on the past work of the directors and actors and don’t know what to expect.
Day 8 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 25, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & review
In the midst of a cold and with the final day of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival before me, I was able to take my time, fortify myself with oatmeal
Day 7 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 24, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review
Jesuthasan Antonythasan in Dheepan The penultimate day of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival was also the longest day of the film festival for me with
Day 6 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 23, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review
Paul Doucet in Early Winter In the midst of a cold, the soothing balm of great cinema makes everything much better and on day 6 of the festival I
Day 5 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 22, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review
The fifth day of the Atlantic Film Festival was a lighter day for me as I am fighting a cold, but it was a day filled with subtle beauty, peace,
Day 4 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 21, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review
Brittany Amos and Iain MacLeod introduce Your Money or Your Wife For me, Day 4 of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival was a perfect day. The films I saw
Day 3 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 20, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & review
Patricia Rozema introducing Into the Forest Day 3 of the Atlantic Film Festival was another big day filled with screenings and conversations about
Day 2 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 19, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review
Stephen Dunn and Fraser Ash introduce Closet Monster Day 2 of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival had some great films and conversations about those
Day 1 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 18, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & festivals & film
The first day of the Atlantic Film Festival is a nice, easy day with only one film and a party, so it’s a great way to get ready for the busy 8 days
Guide to the 35th Atlantic Film Festival 2015
September 17, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film
Today, Thursday, September 17, 2015 is the first day of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It’s an exciting day as 100 films
35th Atlantic Film Festival - Feature Dramas - Thursday, September 24
September 15, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & drama & festivals & film
James White The final day of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival has humour and intense drama from Canada and the world to suit various moods. It’s your
35th Atlantic Film Festival - Feature Dramas - Tuesday
September 13, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film
Things start to slow down a little bit on Tuesday at the Atlantic Film Festival with some documentaries, a gala, and a mix of local and
35th Atlantic Film Festival - Feature Dramas - Monday
September 12, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & drama & festivals & film
While for most of the non-festival-immersed world, it’s a weekday, but the Atlantic Film Festival has a day full of films to see. Monday has no
35th Atlantic Film Festival - Feature Dramas - Saturday
September 10, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & dramas & festivals & film
The third day of the 35th annual Atlantic Film Festival has some great Canadian and international dramas outside of the galas and documentaries. On
35th Atlantic Film Festival - Feature Dramas - Friday
September 9, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & drama & festivals & film
Muna Otaru and Brit Marling in The Keeping Room For 35 years the Atlantic Film Festival has been one of the best ways to see the feature films from
35th Atlantic Film Festival 2015 Shorts
September 6, 2015
35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & shorts
Andrew Gillis in Ashley McKenzie’s 4 Quarters With a concentrated dose of cinema and a blend of local and international films as well as drama,
How to Enjoy a Film Festival
August 25, 2015
festival & festivals & film & lists
It’s fall and that’s when film festival season starts up around these parts with the Atlantic Film Festival and a whole range of other festivals new
Unmaking an Introduction
June 22, 2015
clmooc & film & learning & music
The past couple of years the Connected Learning MOOC (Massively Open Online Collaboration) has been conducted by Educator Innovator and the National
Best of 2014
January 1, 2015
bestof2014 & film & frank & ida & locke & mood indigo & obvious child & only lovers left alive & review & the grand budapest hotel & two days one night & under the skin & winter sleep
2014 was a good year for cinema with many films that were moving and challenging and solidly made. To keep track of films that stood out I started a
December 30, 2014
bestof2014 & film & frank & review
It’s an odd and bold gamble to take an actor and put them in a mask for the bulk of a film, but with Frank and Michael Fassbender it works
Two Days, One Night
December 29, 2014
bestof2014 & film & review & two days one night
has a deceptively light and naturalistic shooting style. With a hand-held camera and moving around behind characters, there is
The Grand Budapest Hotel
December 28, 2014
bestof2014 & film & review & the grand budapest hotel
At the heart of Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel is a virtuoso performance by Ralph Fiennes who fits perfectly into the elaborate sets and
December 27, 2014
bestof2014 & film & ida & review
Shot in crisp black and white in a 1.33:1 aspect ratio with precise and off-centre framing that recalls the work of Bresson, Bergman, and Dreyer,
Winter Sleep
December 26, 2014
bestof2014 & film & review & winter sleep
is a film by Nuri Bilge Ceylan about characters and conversations. While it’s a long film, it didn’t feel that way. It’s remarkable in
Under the Skin
December 25, 2014
bestof2014 & film & review & under the skin
Unnerving is the word that I most often use when describing Under the Skin and that’s a good word for all Jonathan Glazer films. This is only his
Obvious Child
December 24, 2014
bestof2014 & film & obvious child & review
is a film that presents a complex and possibly controversial story in a way that is light and respectful and I loved it. Seeing Jenny
Only Lovers Left Alive
December 23, 2014
bestof2014 & film & only lovers left alive & review
I’m a survivor, baby Jim Jarmusch always seems to make films in the same way where he chooses a cast, some locations, a loose plot, music, and
Mood Indigo
December 22, 2014
bestof2014 & film & mood indigo & review
Michel Gondry has a unique style and it’s not for everyone. Through his films he brings things that are personal and whimsical and in the
December 21, 2014
bestof2014 & film & locke & review
Tom Hardy in a car. That’s the rough structure of Locke and it works startlingly well. While the one-person show can work well on stage, it’s bold
The 34th Atlantic Film Festival
September 21, 2014
aff2014 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film
The Atlantic Film Festival is over for another year and this was a particularly good year for films. It’s a challenge for festivals to find and
Atlantic Film Festival 2014 - Shorts and Documentaries
September 7, 2014
aff2014 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film
Nick Cave in the documentary 20,000 Days on Earth While the feature dramas make up the bulk of the attention received by the Atlantic Film Festival,
Atlantic Film Festival 2014 - The Feature Dramas
September 2, 2014
aff2014 & atlanticfilmfestival & film
It’s a very good challenge picking films to see at a film festival. You look at the list and start to think of what you want to see based on what
Atlantic Film Festival 2014 - The Galas
August 23, 2014
aff2014 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film
Still from Elephant Song The full schedule of the Atlantic Film Festival for 2014 is out and it’s time to start to think about what to see. There
The F Word
August 20, 2014
film & review & thefword
Romantic comedy is one of the most popular genres and a genre that I don’t often watch. When I was invited to a preview screening of The F Word I
Anticipating Atlantic Films
August 8, 2014
atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & screen arts
Still from Andrea Dorfman’s film Heartbeat A couple of days ago the Atlantic Film Festival made their first round of announcements and unveiled the
Our Dystopian Cinematic Future
July 23, 2014
film & history & summer
One of the perplexing things to me is how so many Hollywood eggs are placed in so few baskets. It’s a large-scale mass-production industry, but in
Cinematic Memes
June 26, 2014
clmooc & film & frances ha & learning & memes & pacific rim
Asa Butterfield and Chloe Grace Moretz in Hugo As part of the Making Learning Connected MOOC (#clmooc) we’ve been talking about memes. The most
86th Academy Award Predictions
March 1, 2014
Academy Awards & film & lists & Oscars
I’m lucky to have some wonderful friends and when it comes to talking about films and Hollywood and how the industry and pop culture intersect I
Top Ten Films of 2013
January 1, 2014
2013 & film & lists & top 10
2013 was a good year for films. While not much really blew me away as some of the films last year did (Rust and Bone, and Holy Motors to name two),
The 2013 Atlantic Film Festival
September 29, 2013
aff2013 & festivals & film & review
Every year I look forward to the Atlantic Film Festival. A wide range of films is shown along with parties and opportunities to connect and share
Summer Movies 2013
September 8, 2013
film & frances ha & iron man & pacific rim & review & star trek & star wars & summer & superman & the worlds end
I remember being in the theatre to see Star Wars, Superman: The Movie and Star Trek: The Motion Picture. They were eagerly anticipated and we sat
Holy Motors
June 8, 2013
film & Holy Motors & review
Some films are not for everyone and other films have an even smaller target audience. There are more unique films that divide audiences and live in
Favourite Films of 2012
December 31, 2012
2012 & film & lists & top 10
Every year there are a lot of great films and it is good to make up a list of the films that I really enjoyed. It’s funny, but over time it seems
Favourite Films of the 2012 Atlantic Film Festival
September 23, 2012
2012 & aff2012 & festivals & film & lists
The Atlantic Film Festival is an annual festival that assembles a range of great short and feature films along with the filmmaking community in
Preparing for the Atlantic Film Festival
September 10, 2012
aff2012 & festival & festivals & film & planning
Every year there is a wonderful sense of anticipation in the fall as school starts up again and I begin a new term of teaching. But the greatest
My 10 Most Anticipated Films for the Atlantic Film Festival 2012
August 25, 2012
aff2012 & festivals & film
Every year there are so many films and so little time at the Atlantic Film Festival. Going through the schedule and trying to figure out what to see
Favourite Films of 2011
March 17, 2012
While it seemed like a slow year for films (part way through the year I was wondering when the really great films were going to show up), as summer
December 11, 2011
is quite simply a film about depression that blends a person dealing with depression that expands out to the actual destruction of the
The Tree of Life
July 14, 2011
Terrence Malick makes unique and beautiful films with deliberate rhythms and a tantalizing (or some would say frustrating) ambiguity. With The Tree
Source Code
April 22, 2011
The essential element in cinema is the reorganization of time and space. In the hands of a skilled filmmaker it makes you look at the world
Favourite Films of 2010 and More
January 3, 2011
The past year was a pretty good one in film and it wasn’t really that difficult to come up with a list of the ten films I enjoyed the most. It was
In a Better World
December 31, 2010
In Susanne Bier’s film In a Better World she examines male responsibility through the interlocking stories of two disrupted families and two young
Never Let Me Go
December 31, 2010
While I haven’t read the novel, the film adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go by Mark Romanek is a melancholy and beautiful science
I Am Love
December 30, 2010
Tilda Swinton is stunningly beautiful and utterly captivating in the deliciously melodramatic I Am Love. In Luca Guadagnino’s film she is the fire
The American
December 30, 2010
If Albert Camus was a film director then perhaps The American is a film that he would have made. In Anton Corbijn’s second feature he creates an
December 30, 2010
One of the most interesting and surprising films that I saw in the past year was Bong Joon-ho’s Mother, which is a unique thriller that constantly
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
December 29, 2010
Ghosts aren’t attached to places, but to people.
My favourite film of the year and probably one of the decade would be Uncle Boonmee Who Can
Fish Tank
December 28, 2010
Andrea Arnold wrote and directed Fish Tank, which is about a 15-year-old young woman who is struggling to figure out who she is. Set in housing
The King’s Speech
December 20, 2010
In the modern world the idea of a monarch who has supreme power over people is a bit of an anachronism, but with the prospect of an upcoming royal
Winter’s Bone
December 19, 2010
I went to see Winter’s Bone not knowing anything about it and was quite amazed at the film. It’s a low-buget beautifully-shot drama set in the
A Prophet
December 11, 2010
There hasn’t been a film by Jacques Audiard that I haven’t liked, so there was a pretty good chance that the third film by him that I’d be seeing,
My Top Ten Films from the 30th Atlantic Film Festival
October 10, 2010
festivals & film
As the summer winds down the excitement begins for the wide range of films that fill the screens during the Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax, Nova
Being the Change: Day 2 - Pugwash Movement Retrospective - No Strange Dream
July 11, 2010
conferences & film
The morning workshop session tha t I attended at the Being the Change peace conference at Mount Saint Vincent University was a retrospective on the
Top Ten Films of 2009
February 7, 2010
While I’ve posted the list elsewhere, I didn’t really explain the choices. So here is the annotated collection of my favourite films from last year
March 28, 2009
Bruce McDonald’s debut feature was the indie road movie / comedy Roadkill which took a heroine through rural Ontario looking for a band and the tag
Top Ten New-to-Me Films for 2008
February 7, 2009
I know it’s late for these lists, but I made it a while ago and just remembered that I didn’t write about. Each year there are many films that I
Top Ten Films of 2008
December 30, 2008
2008 was another good year for film with many solid entries and it was probably one of the easier years for me to come up with a list of favourites
Atlantic Film Festival 2008
October 11, 2008
festivals & film
Another year, another Atlantic Film Festival, with this one being the 28th. This time I think that I got the balance just right and ended up seeing
28th Atlantic Film Festival
September 14, 2008
festivals & film
A few days in at the festival and I’m having a great time. This year I’m pacing myself a bit more and not going to as many parties but seeing more
Pierrot le Fou
June 9, 2008
At this point in my life I’ve seen most of Jean-Luc Godard’s films and there is something to love in just about all of them, but I didn’t think that
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
May 24, 2008
In the late 70s Harrison Ford was mainly Han Solo to me. He’d been in other films, but it just seemed as if that’s who’d he be. George Lucas was on
Top Ten Films of 2007
December 31, 2007
Here we go for the 6th time and another list of 10 films that I loved this past year. It was a good year for film and it featured films from some of
Top Ten Films of 2006
December 31, 2006
This is the fifth list that I’ve made here and this year it seemed very easy. So in no particular order, here are the ten:
Rian Johnson’s
May 1, 2006
Brendan: I won’t waste your time: you don’t know me.
Laura: I know everyone, and I have all the time in the world.
Film noir is an inferred
I Like to Watch
March 22, 2006
I’ve been watching a lot of films lately, which is a lot of fun. Much of that is due to subscribing to a DVD-by-mail service called Zip.ca. You add
Favourite Films of 2005
January 1, 2006
If you write about films, you have to make lists and this is the time of year that you make those lists. 2005 was a pretty good year for films and
Breakfast on Pluto
December 3, 2005
festivals & film
What matters is the journey.
Cillian Murphy is wonderful as Patrick “Kitten” Braden in Neil Jordan’s latest film, Breakfast on Pluto. It’s based
It’s All Gone Pete Tong
November 30, 2005
The music mockumentary is a difficult form due to some outstanding films that established the genre. It’s All Gone Pete Tong starts off as an
October 17, 2005
festivals & film
What is the purpose of life?
Niceland is a quirkly little film that takes us on a search for meaning. It’s a simple story constructed out of
The Dying Gaul
October 11, 2005
festivals & film
Take the million, write something else.
I don’t know what it is, but it seems that if Patricia Clarkson is in a film, there is a strong
Read My Lips (Sur Mes Levres)
August 30, 2005
A thriller often is an interesting exercise. How are things arranged and how do they play out? A thriller can be constructed out of many well-worn
Ghost Dog
August 27, 2005
I don’t know how to describe the film other than to say that Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai is a film that Jim Jarmusch in 1999. Like many of the
The Assassination of Richard Nixon
August 25, 2005
The 1970s were a turbulent time in the U.S. and a lot of interesting films came out of that time. Niels Mueller firmly sets The Assassination of
Touch of Evil
August 24, 2005
Just because he speaks a little guilty, that don’t make him innocent, you know.
Touch of Evil is a fascinating film in many ways. It was the
The Five Obstructions
August 21, 2005
In 1967 Danish filmmaker Jørgen Leth made the short film, Det Perfekte Menneske (The Perfect Human), which is a sparse short film that shows people
Dear Frankie
August 17, 2005
Maybe it’s just the films that make it over here, but I’ve loved every film from Scotland that I’ve seen over the last while. The latest one is Dear
August 15, 2005
Filmmaking is a collaborative art that builds upon other media and the work that has come before. There are certain filmmakers who advance the art
Broken Flowers
August 14, 2005
Jim Jarmusch doesn’t make big-budget or flashy films. They appear and slowly work their way through film festivals and around art-house theatres.
The Agronomist
August 12, 2005
Whether he’s making a thriller, a comedy, a drama, a music documentary or a documentary, Jonathan Demme is able to bring together the elements to
Go Further
July 26, 2005
In 2001 Woody Harrelson went on a tour to promote environmentally-friendly alternatives to our destructive lifestyle. Travelling in a bio-fueled bus
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
July 16, 2005
Tim Burton brings his quirky and distinctive style to Roald Dahl’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It’s a wild and wacky ride of a movie
Strangers With Candy
July 15, 2005
If you’re gonna reach for a star, reach for the lowest one you can.
How did I miss this? In 1999 Comedy Central began airing Strangers With
Take the Money and Run
July 8, 2005
One of the things about subscribing to a movies-by-mail service like Zip.ca is that my obsessive tendencies in watching films can be catered to. So
Baisers Volés (Stolen Kisses)
July 6, 2005
I’ve been brushing up on my cinematic history lately and was very glad to see Baisers Volés (Stolen Kisses), which is part of François Truffaut’s
Batman Begins
July 4, 2005
Christopher Nolan revitalizes and restarts the Batman films with Batman Begins. A zeroing of the cinematic odometer was desperately needed with the
July 1, 2005
is a odd, subtle, and haunting film about love and loss directed by Jonathan Glazer. The film is built around an amazing performance by Nicole
Sonic Outlaws
June 29, 2005
Craig Baldwin’s 1995 documentary Sonic Outlaws tells the story of audio visual artists and rebels who increasingly are being threated by laws that
June 11, 2005
Clothes maketh the man and the less there is of the man, the more the need of the clothes.
David Cronenberg has had a fascinating career and
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
May 3, 2005
It’s taken a long time for this film to arrive. I’m not sure if any film could live up to the expectations for the adaptation of The Hitchhikers’
April 23, 2005
It wasn’t really about the money.
I usually see films that I like more than once, but not usually in the same week. I saw Millions for the
All About Lily Chou-Chou
April 15, 2005
One of my favourite films that I saw in 2002 was All About Lily Chou-Chou, which I saw at the Atlantic Film Festival. It was released on DVD a few
A Very Long Engagement
March 13, 2005
Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s films have a very distinctive look and an obsessive attention to detail that result in the creation of gorgeous cinematic
March 12, 2005
At times when I was watching Sideways I felt as if I was watching an infomercial for California wine, but overall it’s an entertaining look at a
The Tipping Point
March 5, 2005
I love Malcolm Gladwell’s writing and while his best known and most influential book is The Tipping Point, I hadn’t read it until a few months ago.
Breakfast With Hunter
March 2, 2005
The recent death of Hunter S. Thompson has probably prompted many people to watch the films connected with the good doctor that founded and
March 1, 2005
Lynne Ramsay is able to capture real moments between people. A big challenge when creating a film is to show character through action and not
February 20, 2005
What if you made a film and nobody saw it? What if you made a great film and nobody saw it? The film Stander, directed by Bronwen Hughes falls into
Vera Drake
February 14, 2005
Watching a film is a voyeuristic experience and Mike Leigh structures things so that the conditions are right to increase the chances of real
Dirty Pretty Things
February 9, 2005
There is nothing so dangerous as a virtuous man.
You can’t find a better dramatic situation than a character who has to struggle with moral
The Aviator
February 6, 2005
Martin Scorsese knows how to make a film. How to make it look, sound, and flow. While The Aviator isn’t Scorsese’s best film, it’s great to watch.
Maria Full of Grace
February 2, 2005
Sometimes small, independent films miss my radar. A few nights ago I was able to see Maria Full of Grace at the Al Whittle Theatre as part of the
Garden State
January 30, 2005
Maybe that’s all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place.
It’s good when people take a chance. Zach Braff is
Napoleon Dynamite
January 13, 2005
Just follow your heart. That’s what I do.
After many people telling me to see the film and few people describing it much, I finally saw Napoleon
Top Ten Films of 2004
December 31, 2004
It’s fun to make lists and I think that I have my top ten films for this year. Looking back I had 5 favourites for 2002 and 7 for 2003, so I figured
Young Adam
December 11, 2004
Thanks to a mention by Hugh MacLeod. I found out about the film Young Adam, directed by David Mackenzie. It’s a film from Scotland that’s hard to
Shaun of the Dead
December 4, 2004
Every now and then you find something interesting by accident and really enjoy it. It’s like a wonderful present and a glimpse of a world you didn’t
Melvin Goes to Dinner
November 29, 2004
Remember that night you went out and ran into a friend and had a drink and started talking. You found out a lot about your friend, things you never
Ed Wood
November 11, 2004
I don’t know why, but the DVD release of Ed Wood was delayed several times. Finally it came out and I had to get it since I loved the film when it
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind DVD
November 11, 2004
Michel Gondry is an amazing visual filmmaker and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is remarkable, but simple story about love and loss. While
Good Bye, Lenin!
October 24, 2004
is a gently humourous film that is an ironic love letter to East Germany. Wolfgang Becker directs the cast in a subtle way that
October 12, 2004
festivals & film
probably isn’t the type of film you’d think that someone would make out of home movies over a couple of decades using iMovie. But then
Atlantic Film Festival 2004
September 22, 2004
festivals & film
I’m in the middle of the Atlantic Film Festival this year and it’s a great time. Lots of amazing films and people and not much time to actually
Bright Leaves
September 16, 2004
festivals & film
The reality is slipping away.
Ross McElwee is a very personal filmmaker. The first film that I saw by him, Sherman’s March (just out on DVD),
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
August 19, 2004
One of the fascinating things about looking at older political thrillers is to see how the political world of the film has changed. Common knowledge
August 17, 2004
Michael Mann takes a bold step into the world of HD with Collateral. More films are being shot using HD and with a filmmaker such as Mann, who makes
The Manchurian Candidate
August 16, 2004
Jonathan Demme has a knack for creating a feeling of uneasiness. He made the amazing The Silence of the Lambs which featured actors looking directly
Big Fish
August 4, 2004
I’ve liked every one of the films that Tim Burton has made, but for some inexplicable reason I didn’t see Big Fish in the theatre. While many
The Dreamers
August 3, 2004
Bernado Bertolucci loves cinema. If you don’t believe me, then see The Dreamers. It’s a light, wonderful love letter to cinema which, for many, is
City of God
July 28, 2004
There are films that are stylish and there are films that have important social messages. Most of the time those are two very different films. Then
Stanley Kubrick’s Birthday
July 26, 2004
Today is Stanley Kubrick’s birthday and now I’m starting a tradition of writing about Kubrick on his birthday. Kubrick is one of the most focussed
Bus 174
July 24, 2004
José Padilha’s 2002 documentary Bus 174 is about a bus hijacking in Rio de Janeiro in 2000 is a gripping, heart-wrenching look at an incident as an
Once Upon a Time in the West
July 8, 2004
Sergio Leone knew how to use the frame. Many years ago I saw “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly” on tv and I was mesmerized by it. Then I was lucky
Spider-Man 2
June 30, 2004
In the first Spider-Man Sam Raimi had to set everything up and establish the franchise. If he did it well, there would be another film. He did a
Fahrenheit 9/11
June 28, 2004
Michael Moore gets a bit better with each film. Fahrenheit 9/11 continues his series of quirky political documentaries in a very timely fashion.
June 26, 2004
David Mamet has a distinctive writing style that blends elements of reality with a stylized way of speaking to create memorable puzzles where you
Hand Processing Workshop Photos
June 11, 2004
I put some of the photos that I took during the recent hand processing film workshop at the NB Filmmakers Co-op up on my Mac.com site. They are in
Hand Processing Workshop
June 8, 2004
[Chris and Tony in the darkroom thumbnail]/_images/hand_processing_workshop.jpg)A couple of weeks ago I took a great hand-processing 16mm and 8mm
June 6, 2004
Last night I saw Steve James’ documentary Stevie which is built around James’ idea of going back to find out how the boy he had been a Big Brother
The Fog of War
May 24, 2004
Errol Morris is a film craftsman. His films tell challenging stories in visually interesting ways. The Fog of War won the Academy Award for Best
Bolex Workshop
May 18, 2004
Last weekend I went up to Fredericton for a two-day workshop at the NB Filmmakers’ Coop. It was the Bolex: 2 Day Filmmaking Boot Camp workshop
Down By Law
May 12, 2004
One of my all-time favourite films is Down By Law, directed by Jim Jarmusch. I haven’t seen it in years and maybe not since the first time that I
Morvern Callar
May 10, 2004
How can you describe something that works so well without saying a lot? One thing that I don’t like about many reviews is the recounting of the plot
The Work of Director Michel Gondry
April 26, 2004
I’ve liked just about everything that I’ve seen from Michel Gondry, from music videos for The Chemical Brothers and Bjork to the film Human Nature.
Film Co-op Spring Social
April 25, 2004
Friday was a busy day for me. I started out the day with the last day of the term with a wave of assignments coming in to me that now need to be
Acting Fun
April 6, 2004
I was lucky enough to be asked to act in a student production yesterday. It wasn’t much of a part, but I loved it as it let me see a bunch of my
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
April 4, 2004
Michel Gondry’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a low-key film that explores loss and memory. Shot in a hand-held and casual style, it
April 3, 2004
Comic books are fertile ground for film adaptation now. With the development of special effects and the success of some recent big-budget comic book
Cléo de 5 a 7 (Cleo from 5 to 7)
April 2, 2004
The Nouvelle Vague or New Wave of French cinema in my understanding is defined mainly by Jean-Luc Godard and François Truffaut. When I first saw À
Citizen Kubrick
March 27, 2004
Jon Ronson has a fascinating article called “Citizen Kubrick” in The Guardian today about Stanley Kubrick’s archive. It’s an amazing look into the
Mr. Death
March 26, 2004
Errol Morris is a gifted filmmaker who carefully constructs his stories in a deliberate and highly-entertaining fashion. Mr. Death: The Rise and
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
March 26, 2004
George Clooney made his directorial debut with an adaptation of Chuck Barris’ “unauthorized autobiography” Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. It’s an
The Virgin Suicides
March 25, 2004
Sofia Coppola’s debut feature The Virgin Suicides has many of the elements of her recent and personal favourite Lost in Translation. I hadn’t seen
Film Co-op Memories
March 24, 2004
The first film set that I was ever on was “The Spectre of Rexton” which was directed by Kevin Holden. It was many years ago in the 1980s and my
Standing in the Shadows of Motown
March 22, 2004
I’ve been lucky enough to work on documentaries that gave me a chance to meet and learn about amazing people and stories that I would never have
New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Cooperative is 25!
March 1, 2004
About 21 years ago I first found out about the New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Cooperative in Fredericton New Brunswick and today the Coop (as I will
January 10, 2004
is a stunningly beautiful, original film by the Polish Brothers, Michael and Mark. It tells the story of the death by drowning of a
David Cross: Let America Laugh
January 3, 2004
I guess that I was expecting more of a concert-type film and it took a bit of adjustment (a few minutes) but then I really got into Lance Bangs’
No Maps For These Territories
January 1, 2004
One of the challenges with independent films is seeing them if you don’t go to a lot of film festivals or have some of the premium cable channels. A
Favourite Films of 2003
December 31, 2003
Last year when I made up my list of films I said that I had a hard time thinking of a list of the best films since there didn’t seem to be a lot of
Bad Santa
December 13, 2003
Some films are not what they seem or are hard to market or easily fit into a category. Some very good films that I would put in that category would
L’Homme du Train (The Man on the Train)
December 5, 2003
Last week I saw Patrice Leconte’s L’Homme du Train (Man on the Train). I’ve wanted to see it for a while and the Fundy Film Society brought it in
American Splendor
November 24, 2003
I saw American Splendor last night and was very pleasantly surprised. It’s a wonderful mixture of drama and documentary that adapts Harvey Pekar’s
A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies
November 8, 2003
I just finished watching “A Personal Journey With Martin Scorsese Through American Movies” which was codirected by Scorsese and Michael Henry
School of Rock
October 29, 2003
I’m a teacher of Screen Arts which is filmmaking, and that’s part of the entertainment industry, which is related to music. One of the great things
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
October 28, 2003
With a title that is an obvious reference to the films of Sergio Leone (who made Once Upon a Time in the West and Once Upon a Time in America),
Intolerable Cruelty
October 18, 2003
I’m a big fan of Joel and Ethan Coen’s films. I’ve liked every one of them for different reasons and I’m always excited to see what they’ll do next.
Lost in Translation
October 4, 2003
Sofia Coppola creates a beautiful, gentle, and subtle story in Lost in Translation. I loved this film. It is rare to see a film that is built out of
Love That Boy
September 20, 2003
One thing that I always try to do at film festivals is have the last film that I see be a film that I really like. This year I was lucky and
My Life Without Me
September 20, 2003
Isabel Coixet directs the amazing Sarah Polley in My Life Without Me, the story of a 23 year old woman who finds out that she only has months to
Andy Jones: To The Wall
September 20, 2003
About a year and half ago I was at a conference in New Brunswick that featured a showcase with a great lineup of Atlantic Canadian talent. The
The Saddest Music in the World
September 20, 2003
Guy Maddin makes the most beautiful films that can sometimes be quite challenging to watch. If you haven’t seen his work, imagine that Eisenstein
Festival Fun
September 19, 2003
Today was a busy day and I’m just in the middle of it. The Atlantic Film Festival is in full swing now and the nice highlight and heart and oasis of
Les Invasions Barbares
September 18, 2003
Denys Arcand is Quebec’s top director…he’s made some of my favourite films, including Jésus de Montréal, as well as Le Déclin de L’Empire Américain
The Station Agent
September 18, 2003
Yesterday I saw the American independent feature, The Station Agent, which is showing tonight as the Anniversary Gala as part of the Atlantic Film
The Magical Workshop of Ann Marie Fleming
September 17, 2003
On Monday I attended a great workshop with Ann Marie Fleming, the creative force behind The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam. The workshop was a
Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself
September 17, 2003
Every now and then you see a film that you don’t know anything about and experience everything about it in a fresh way. I didn’t know much about
September 17, 2003
A few nights ago I saw Duncan Roy’s AKA which is a no-budget 35mm feature that tells the story of Dean Page, who manages to jump above his station.
International Shorts I
September 16, 2003
The International Shorts I program at the Atlantic Film Festival was great. It’s one of the reasons that I love going to festivals as shorter work
September 16, 2003
John Greyson’s latest feature film is the hauntingly beautiful Proteus, which, on the surface, tells the story of love triangle set in 1725 in a
John Greyson Master Class
September 16, 2003
I’m so glad that I saw Proteus and then was able to take John Greyson’s Directing Master Class. It was a lot of fun and was packed with clips and
Frame x Frame I
September 16, 2003
The first animated shorts program of the Atlantic Film Festival, Frame x Frame, was a diverse and entertaining mixture of styles, technique, and
On The Corner
September 13, 2003
Nathaniel Geary’s feature film debut is On the Corner, which tells the story of a brother and sister struggling to survive in Vancouver’s Downtown
The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam
September 13, 2003
Long Tack Sam was an acrobat, magician, performer and vaudevillian who was one of the most amazing performers of all time. He’s also Ann Marie
23rd Atlantic Film Festival
September 12, 2003
Today the latest installment of the Atlantic Film Festival starts in Halifax. It’s a great festival that is big enough to have a wide range of
Whale Rider
September 6, 2003
Last night I saw Whale Rider, which is an amazing film from New Zealand. Based on a novel by Witi Ihimaera and directed by Niki Caro it tells the
Valley Drive-in
August 9, 2003
Last night I had the pleasure of going to the Valley Drive-in. It’s been a long, long time since I went to the drive-in. There aren’t that many to
28 Days Later
June 29, 2003
I saw Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later yesterday and I loved it. Although it’s being promoted as a zombie horror film, it falls more into the British
The Guru
June 28, 2003
I took a chance and bought the DVD of “The Guru” last night and I wasn’t disappointed. I’d seen the trailer for the film and it looked like a neat
June 27, 2003
A few days ago I watched the DVD of Frida and was pleasantly surprised by it. I hadn’t seen the trailer for the film and only saw brief glimpses, so
Miller’s Crossing
May 21, 2003
One of my all-time favourite films, Miller’s Crossing, has finally been released on DVD. I bought it yesterday along with Barton Fink, which also
The Matrix Reloaded
May 15, 2003
The Matrix is a hard act to follow. My first exposure was through the Web site that was set up that posed the question “What is the Matrix?” It was
May 14, 2003
I watched the documentary “Comedian” last night. It’s about Jerry Seinfeld putting together a new act. It’s a fascinating glimpse into the creative
May 3, 2003
The sequel to X-Men isn’t like the original, even though pretty much everyone is the same on both sides fo the camera. X2 is a lot of fun and not as
Human Nature
March 5, 2003
I saw the 2001 film “Human Nature” on the weekend and I liked it. I didn’t know really what to expect, but I wanted to see it since the script was
My Wife is an Actress
February 24, 2003
She’s not, actually, but that’s the name of the film we watched last night (Ma Femme est une Actrice). I’ve been on a bit of a French film kick the
24 Hour Party People
January 26, 2003
It seems somewhat appropriate that I saw Michael Winterbottom’s film “24 Hour Party People” around the same time that I saw “Adaptation”. Both films
January 19, 2003
I finally was able to see Adaptation yesterday and I wasn’t disappointed. It was made by the same team of writer Charlie Kaufman and director Spike
Gangs of New York
January 7, 2003
I didn’t get to see Martin Scorsese’s latest, “Gangs of New York” until this year, but it would have bumped “Bowling for Columbine” off my list of
Catch Me If You Can
January 7, 2003
Belatedly I will put up a quick review. Spielberg’s latest is Catch Me If You Can. It’s one of those films that are solid and fun, but don’t really
Top Five Films of 2002
December 31, 2002
As the minutes tick away and 2002 ends I figured I’d make a list of the top 5 films that I saw in the past year. In no particular order here it
November 28, 2002
Steven Soderberg has created an amazing version of Stanislaw Lem’s novel “Solaris” (also a 1972 Russian film by Andrei Tarkovsky)that will probably
Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run)
November 27, 2002
In keeping with my catching up theme I finally saw “Run Lola Run” this weekend and I really enjoyed it. Amazing energy, technically superb with a
Monsoon Wedding
November 27, 2002
Yet another film that I saw this weekend was Mira Nair’s “Monsoon Wedding” which is the somewhat loose, but gorgeous tale of a wedding in India with
La Mariée était en noir (The Bride Wore Black)
November 27, 2002
It has been too long since I’ve seen any classic films so I went and rented Truffaut’s “The Bride Wore Black”. I loved it. Come to think of it, I’ve
Tidal Wave 2
November 11, 2002
I just arrived home from the second annual Tidal Wave Film Festival in Fredericton. I had a great time last year and I had a great time this year as
When Voices Rise… on tape and DVD
October 28, 2002
The VHS and DVD versions of “When Voices Rise…” were officially launched last Saturday night at the B.I.U. in Hamilton, Bermuda with Errol present.
Beckett on Film
October 19, 2002
Every now and then something happens that you don’t know about…well I guess that more often than not things would happen that everybody wouldn’t
Comedian Trailer
October 19, 2002
film & comedy & documentary
There’s a new documentary about Jerry Seinfeld that will (hopefully) be appearing in theatres soon. Documentaries tend not to get wide theatrical
The Conversations
October 11, 2002
I’m reading a book now that I absolutely love. “The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film” is a series of conversations between
October 10, 2002
I finally was able to see the film “CQ” by purchasing the DVD. I’ve been anticipating it for a while as the trailer looked great. There is always
When Voices Rise… Has North American Premiere
October 4, 2002
The most exciting part of the Atlantic Film Festival a couple of weeks ago was the North American premiere of “When Voices Rise…” on Friday, October
Critics Take on Bowling for Columbine
September 29, 2002
The Atlantic Film Festival is made up of three major areas: the films, parties and the Industry Series which features a great array or panels and
All About Lily Chou-Chou
September 29, 2002
One of the challenges of a film festival is trying to pick out what film to see when there are two films playing at the same time. On the Thursday
Little Criminals
September 25, 2002
If you have to come up with a one-liner it’s obvious: “Trainspotting for real…” but it doesn’t really do justice to the film. “Little Criminals” is
I am Trying to Break Your Heart
September 22, 2002
One of the documentaries that I was really looking forward to was Sam Jones’ film about the band Wilco called “I am Trying to Break Your Heart.” It
8 Femmes
September 18, 2002
The most unexpected treat of the Atlantic Film Festival so far (aside from the wonderful staff and volunteers) was the French film “8 Femmes” (“8
The Bay of Love and Sorrows
September 18, 2002
Miramichi of the summer of 1973 was evoked in the tragic tale of “The Bay of Love and Sorrows” which is based on the David Adams Richards novel of
Bowling for Columbine
September 17, 2002
The first film that I saw at the Atlantic Film Festival was Michael Moore’s latest, “Bowling for Columbine.” A entertaining, at times funny, at
Atlantic Film Festival
September 16, 2002
It’s here again. The 22nd Annual Atlantic Film Festival. With an almost overwhelming lineup of films this time, I’m going to be using my pass to get
Stanley Kubrick
July 25, 2002
It’s Stanley Kubrick’s birthday today. I was trying to rewatch all the Kubrick films that I could before today, but I only managed to get through
The Royal Tenenbaums
July 12, 2002
In my almost obsessive collecting of DVDs I carefully look at the DVDs and their packaging and content, interface, etc. One that I had been waiting
Is It Now?
June 25, 2002
Just saw “Minority Report” tonight. I have to say that I really enjoyed it. While “A.I.” was creepy and unsatisfying to me (I kept thinking that
Transe Atlantique
June 8, 2002
art & film
One of the highlights of my time in Moncton (those 4 nights and 5 days last month) was meeting some of the people from the place and going to an
Cultural Emergency
May 27, 2002
Still tired from the conference in Moncton I received a call from Brian White, a filmmaker who was about to go up North to shoot a documentary about
When Voices Rise in Triumph
May 22, 2002
by Chris Campbell I have a theory about filmmaking and more specifically, filmmakers. Deep within those who feel compelled to tell stories visually
The Matrix
May 16, 2002
The new trailer for the two Matrix sequels, Reloaded and Revolutions are up. The first one is out in 53 weeks, the second sequel in November 2003.
May 10, 2002
I’ve been looking at the site and trailer for the film CQ. A good use of Flash as well. Roman Coppola’s film premiered nearly a year ago at Cannes.