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iPhone 6S November 20, 2015 iphone & review & technology It feels smooth and solid in my hand and while it’s a bit bigger than my second iPhone, a 5S, I have to say that I’m adjusting nicely to my new A Decade of Flickr August 10, 2014 canon & flickr & history & holga & iphone & photos & zenit While I was in Sackville for Sappyfest I was taking pictures with my iPhone and while taking a walk I remembered how the first photo that I posted iPhone 5S October 8, 2013 ios & iphone & review & technology Sports drinks and iPads don’t mix. This was made very clear to me when I was rushing around one morning and I noticed that the bottle of Twitterrific 5 December 8, 2012 apps & iconfactory & ios & iphone & software & twitter & twitterrific My iPhone is a slab of glass and metal that can be a bit magical. A new app can change your perception of the whole device. The same thing can