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Geolocating Myself In The Landscape of Grand-Pré July 28, 2015 biking & clmooc & connected learning & grand-pre & learning & places In keeping with my less thinking and more making goal for Making Learning Connected this year, I woke up and saw it wasn’t raining, so I hopped on Big Day Downtown 2014 September 10, 2014 big day downtown & downtown & halifax & places For Big Day Downtown this year, Downtown Halifax chose the theme of “People’s Choice” and we used our social networks to get ideas for where we A Trip to Mount Carleton July 16, 2014 hiking & Mount Carleton & New Brunswick & places We didn’t make it to the top. A few weeks ago my friend Diane suggested a weekend trip to Mount Carleton in northern New Brunswick to hike up the The Pleasures of Bike Riding May 19, 2014 biking & places Riding a bike is a lot of fun. You move faster than walking or running, but it is still all under your control. You connect with the world around Big Day Downtown 2013 August 27, 2013 big day downtown & halifax & novascotia & places Walking in to The Middle Spoon I looked around and said a cryptic password to a server there and she led me down the stairs and past tables to an Big Day Downtown 2012 October 24, 2012 big day downtown & halifax & novascotia & places One of the wonderful things about living close to Halifax is that the city doesn’t become too familiar. At various times of the year I’ll spend more Big Day Downtown 2011 September 6, 2011 places Last year I was lucky to be one of the bloggers chosen by the Downtown Halifax for Big Day Downtown where people were given $100 to spend and write Big Day Downtown August 9, 2010 places Living in Wolfville is wonderful, but every now and then it’s nice to get into Halifax for some shopping and eating in a big and vibrant city. A few Gardens May 5, 2003 places I have to say that I love gardens, but for some reason I am horticulturally challenged. A few years ago we tried to grow some vegetables in our back