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Best Films of 2018 February 24, 2019 2018 & bestof2018 & film & review It’s the film awards season again and as the stories and discussions go on, it’s important to remember and keep the focus on the films and the Favourite Films of 2016 February 12, 2017 bestof2016 & film & lists & review It started with the cool and carefully-constructed story of a young woman dealing with paranoia and witchcraft (The Witch) and ended with a young Day 5 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016 September 20, 2016 aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film & review Julieta Another full day of films at the 36th Atlantic Film Festival with literary adaptations with different approaches bookending the day. So many Day 3 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016 September 18, 2016 aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review Day 3 of the Atlantic Film Festival this year was another great one filled with films and conversations. The images and sounds and conversations Day 2 - Atlantic Film Festival 2016 September 17, 2016 aff2016 & atlanticfilmfestival & film & review Moonlight The second official day and the first full day of screenings at the 36th Atlantic Film Festival wrapped up yesterday and it had great Best Films of 2015 January 5, 2016 bestof2015 & film & lists & review Early in the year I was able to get to see Inherent Vice after seeing it appear on some “best of” lists for 2014. It’s a strange thing sometimes iPhone 6S November 20, 2015 iphone & review & technology It feels smooth and solid in my hand and while it’s a bit bigger than my second iPhone, a 5S, I have to say that I’m adjusting nicely to my new Best of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival September 29, 2015 35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & review In anticipation of a film festival you create impressions of films based on the past work of the directors and actors and don’t know what to expect. Day 8 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015 September 25, 2015 35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & review In the midst of a cold and with the final day of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival before me, I was able to take my time, fortify myself with oatmeal Day 7 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015 September 24, 2015 35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review Jesuthasan Antonythasan in Dheepan The penultimate day of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival was also the longest day of the film festival for me with Day 6 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015 September 23, 2015 35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review Paul Doucet in Early Winter In the midst of a cold, the soothing balm of great cinema makes everything much better and on day 6 of the festival I Day 5 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015 September 22, 2015 35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review The fifth day of the Atlantic Film Festival was a lighter day for me as I am fighting a cold, but it was a day filled with subtle beauty, peace, Day 4 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015 September 21, 2015 35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review Brittany Amos and Iain MacLeod introduce Your Money or Your Wife For me, Day 4 of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival was a perfect day. The films I saw Day 3 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015 September 20, 2015 35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festivals & film & review Patricia Rozema introducing Into the Forest Day 3 of the Atlantic Film Festival was another big day filled with screenings and conversations about Day 2 - Atlantic Film Festival 2015 September 19, 2015 35aff & aff2015 & atlanticfilmfestival & festival & film & review Stephen Dunn and Fraser Ash introduce Closet Monster Day 2 of the 35th Atlantic Film Festival had some great films and conversations about those Best of 2014 January 1, 2015 bestof2014 & film & frank & ida & locke & mood indigo & obvious child & only lovers left alive & review & the grand budapest hotel & two days one night & under the skin & winter sleep 2014 was a good year for cinema with many films that were moving and challenging and solidly made. To keep track of films that stood out I started a Frank December 30, 2014 bestof2014 & film & frank & review It’s an odd and bold gamble to take an actor and put them in a mask for the bulk of a film, but with Frank and Michael Fassbender it works Two Days, One Night December 29, 2014 bestof2014 & film & review & two days one night has a deceptively light and naturalistic shooting style. With a hand-held camera and moving around behind characters, there is The Grand Budapest Hotel December 28, 2014 bestof2014 & film & review & the grand budapest hotel At the heart of Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel is a virtuoso performance by Ralph Fiennes who fits perfectly into the elaborate sets and Ida December 27, 2014 bestof2014 & film & ida & review Shot in crisp black and white in a 1.33:1 aspect ratio with precise and off-centre framing that recalls the work of Bresson, Bergman, and Dreyer, Winter Sleep December 26, 2014 bestof2014 & film & review & winter sleep is a film by Nuri Bilge Ceylan about characters and conversations. While it’s a long film, it didn’t feel that way. It’s remarkable in Under the Skin December 25, 2014 bestof2014 & film & review & under the skin Unnerving is the word that I most often use when describing Under the Skin and that’s a good word for all Jonathan Glazer films. This is only his Obvious Child December 24, 2014 bestof2014 & film & obvious child & review is a film that presents a complex and possibly controversial story in a way that is light and respectful and I loved it. Seeing Jenny Only Lovers Left Alive December 23, 2014 bestof2014 & film & only lovers left alive & review I’m a survivor, baby Jim Jarmusch always seems to make films in the same way where he chooses a cast, some locations, a loose plot, music, and Mood Indigo December 22, 2014 bestof2014 & film & mood indigo & review Michel Gondry has a unique style and it’s not for everyone. Through his films he brings things that are personal and whimsical and in the Locke December 21, 2014 bestof2014 & film & locke & review Tom Hardy in a car. That’s the rough structure of Locke and it works startlingly well. While the one-person show can work well on stage, it’s bold The F Word August 20, 2014 film & review & thefword Romantic comedy is one of the most popular genres and a genre that I don’t often watch. When I was invited to a preview screening of The F Word I Mary Poppins at Neptune April 4, 2014 mary poppins & neptune & review & theatre Mary Poppins photo by Timothy Richard Photography It’s been a long time since I’d seen the Disney film adaptation of Mary Poppins and I hadn’t seen Designing for Behavior Change March 30, 2014 behaviour & book & books & fitbit & lift & review If you’ve tried changing something you to do to be healthier, you’ve probably used an application or device to assist you. What was once an obscure RED October 29, 2013 neptune & play & review & rothko & theatre Geordie Johnson as Mark Rothko. Photo by Timothy Richard Photography The sound of a bustling city fill the dark theatre. It begins with Rothko at iPhone 5S October 8, 2013 ios & iphone & review & technology Sports drinks and iPads don’t mix. This was made very clear to me when I was rushing around one morning and I noticed that the bottle of The 2013 Atlantic Film Festival September 29, 2013 aff2013 & festivals & film & review Every year I look forward to the Atlantic Film Festival. A wide range of films is shown along with parties and opportunities to connect and share Summer Movies 2013 September 8, 2013 film & frances ha & iron man & pacific rim & review & star trek & star wars & summer & superman & the worlds end I remember being in the theatre to see Star Wars, Superman: The Movie and Star Trek: The Motion Picture. They were eagerly anticipated and we sat Holy Motors June 8, 2013 film & Holy Motors & review Some films are not for everyone and other films have an even smaller target audience. There are more unique films that divide audiences and live in