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Favourite Films of 2020 February 27, 2021 2020 & film & lists It was a different year in 2020 for film watching. While it started off normally, the arrival of the pandemic radically altered things, especially How and What I Watched in 2017 March 3, 2018 film & 52filmsbywomen & quantified self & lists Each year I watch a lot of films and to keep track of them can be a challenge, so the primary way that I log and remember films is through the Favourite Films of 2017 January 30, 2018 film & lists & bestof2017 It was a good year for films and to make it easier for me I started my favourite films of 2017 list early in the year. It can be challenging to keep 52 Films by Women July 17, 2017 52filmsbywomen & film & lists Most of the films released around the world have male directors. It’s a challenge to seek out more films directed by women and it needs conscious Favourite Films of 2016 February 12, 2017 bestof2016 & film & lists & review It started with the cool and carefully-constructed story of a young woman dealing with paranoia and witchcraft (The Witch) and ended with a young Best Films of 2015 January 5, 2016 bestof2015 & film & lists & review Early in the year I was able to get to see Inherent Vice after seeing it appear on some “best of” lists for 2014. It’s a strange thing sometimes How to Enjoy a Film Festival August 25, 2015 festival & festivals & film & lists It’s fall and that’s when film festival season starts up around these parts with the Atlantic Film Festival and a whole range of other festivals new 86th Academy Award Predictions March 1, 2014 Academy Awards & film & lists & Oscars I’m lucky to have some wonderful friends and when it comes to talking about films and Hollywood and how the industry and pop culture intersect I Top Ten Films of 2013 January 1, 2014 2013 & film & lists & top 10 2013 was a good year for films. While not much really blew me away as some of the films last year did (Rust and Bone, and Holy Motors to name two), Favourite Films of 2012 December 31, 2012 2012 & film & lists & top 10 Every year there are a lot of great films and it is good to make up a list of the films that I really enjoyed. It’s funny, but over time it seems Favourite Films of the 2012 Atlantic Film Festival September 23, 2012 2012 & aff2012 & festivals & film & lists The Atlantic Film Festival is an annual festival that assembles a range of great short and feature films along with the filmmaking community in