The Films of Agnès Varda
September 1, 2019
agnes varda & film & history
The first film by Agnès Varda that I saw was probably The Gleaners and I which is a good introduction to her style as she heartily embraced the
August 21, 2019
archiving & blog & tools & 43things & history & blot
Keeping things can be good to help you remember your thinking, where you were, what you did, and to get a sense of history. Sharing things online
How I Watched Films in 2015
March 23, 2016
data & film & history & letterboxd & visualization
Films watched grouped in a word cloud generated from Jason Davies’ site . The days of physical media are going away. As I look through the data of
24 Years of Vegetarianism
March 15, 2016
baking & bread & cooking & food & health & history & vegetarian & vegetarianism
I became a vegetarian 24 years ago. It’s not a milestone that I usually celebrate, but that’s a long time to stick with something and it is also a
From Complex to Simple: Lessons from 13 Years of Blogging
October 5, 2015
bitdepth & blogging & BlogJam2015 & history & web & writing
It started with text, it’s always text. Words are important, words are the building blocks of my blog and the closer I am to them, the better.
Early Days of Online
June 13, 2015
computers & history & internet
With the electronic world we’re intimately connected to each other and everything has shifted, so that’s what appears normal to many of us. It can
October 11, 2014
history & & web
The blank page is a challenge and the blinking cursor is full of possibility, but it can be hard to get started. The key is to just go. It’s good to
A Decade of Flickr
August 10, 2014
canon & flickr & history & holga & iphone & photos & zenit
While I was in Sackville for Sappyfest I was taking pictures with my iPhone and while taking a walk I remembered how the first photo that I posted
Preserving the Past
August 9, 2014
blogging & history & web & writing
As we share more of ourselves online on various sites, it’s important to think about preserving it. Unless you have things backed up on your own,
I Was Doing 43 Things
July 28, 2014
43people & 43places & 43things & allconsuming & history & robotcoop & web
“I’m trying out 43 Things and it’s very addictive. It’s a great way to keep track of and share things that you want to do. What adds to the
Our Dystopian Cinematic Future
July 23, 2014
film & history & summer
One of the perplexing things to me is how so many Hollywood eggs are placed in so few baskets. It’s a large-scale mass-production industry, but in
8 things you probably didn’t know about me
January 2, 2008
Lisa Rousseau tagged me in the non-semantic way with the 8 things you didn’t know about me meme (hey, that’s me three times…) and after agonizing on
What Happened and What’s Next
January 1, 2005
technology & history & web
The online world was very exciting for me in 2004. Blogging kept plugging away and I rediscovered Blogger which Google purchased. The great thing
Remembering the Web That Was
November 30, 2003
web & history
About a week ago my son asked me for some help with redoing his Web site. He’s seven years old and he likes to do things that everyone else in the