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The Films of Agnès Varda September 1, 2019 agnes varda & film & history The first film by Agnès Varda that I saw was probably The Gleaners and I which is a good introduction to her style as she heartily embraced the Archiving August 21, 2019 archiving & blog & tools & 43things & history & blot Keeping things can be good to help you remember your thinking, where you were, what you did, and to get a sense of history. Sharing things online How I Watched Films in 2015 March 23, 2016 data & film & history & letterboxd & visualization Films watched grouped in a word cloud generated from Jason Davies’ site . The days of physical media are going away. As I look through the data of 24 Years of Vegetarianism March 15, 2016 baking & bread & cooking & food & health & history & vegetarian & vegetarianism I became a vegetarian 24 years ago. It’s not a milestone that I usually celebrate, but that’s a long time to stick with something and it is also a From Complex to Simple: Lessons from 13 Years of Blogging October 5, 2015 bitdepth & blogging & BlogJam2015 & history & web & writing It started with text, it’s always text. Words are important, words are the building blocks of my blog and the closer I am to them, the better. Early Days of Online June 13, 2015 computers & history & internet With the electronic world we’re intimately connected to each other and everything has shifted, so that’s what appears normal to many of us. It can Tilde.club October 11, 2014 history & tilde.club & web The blank page is a challenge and the blinking cursor is full of possibility, but it can be hard to get started. The key is to just go. It’s good to A Decade of Flickr August 10, 2014 canon & flickr & history & holga & iphone & photos & zenit While I was in Sackville for Sappyfest I was taking pictures with my iPhone and while taking a walk I remembered how the first photo that I posted Preserving the Past August 9, 2014 blogging & history & web & writing As we share more of ourselves online on various sites, it’s important to think about preserving it. Unless you have things backed up on your own, I Was Doing 43 Things July 28, 2014 43people & 43places & 43things & allconsuming & history & robotcoop & web “I’m trying out 43 Things and it’s very addictive. It’s a great way to keep track of and share things that you want to do. What adds to the Our Dystopian Cinematic Future July 23, 2014 film & history & summer One of the perplexing things to me is how so many Hollywood eggs are placed in so few baskets. It’s a large-scale mass-production industry, but in 8 things you probably didn’t know about me January 2, 2008 history Lisa Rousseau tagged me in the non-semantic way with the 8 things you didn’t know about me meme (hey, that’s me three times…) and after agonizing on What Happened and What’s Next January 1, 2005 technology & history & web The online world was very exciting for me in 2004. Blogging kept plugging away and I rediscovered Blogger which Google purchased. The great thing Remembering the Web That Was November 30, 2003 web & history About a week ago my son asked me for some help with redoing his Web site. He’s seven years old and he likes to do things that everyone else in the