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When Voices Rise in Triumph May 22, 2002 film by Chris Campbell I have a theory about filmmaking and more specifically, filmmakers. Deep within those who feel compelled to tell stories visually The Matrix May 16, 2002 film The new trailer for the two Matrix sequels, Reloaded and Revolutions are up. The first one is out in 53 weeks, the second sequel in November 2003. O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference May 15, 2002 conference & technology It seems like a fantastic conference…but I’m not there, just following the blog trail and O’Reillynet’s coverage coming out of it. Even without Shift Japan May 14, 2002 (not to be confused with the Canadian Shift Magazine)is an e-zine that is a good place to find out about cool digital content. Every Blosxom Update May 14, 2002 blosxom & blog Rael revved up Blosxom… now at version 0+4i. More info added to the RSS feed and a nifty little “Google This” link that the letter G at the bottom Atlantic Cultural Space Conference May 13, 2002 conference I’ll be speaking at a conference in Moncton, New Brunswick on May 24. The conference is called “The Atlantic Cultural Space: New Directions in Another Reason to Use Mozilla May 11, 2002 software & technology & web If you don’t know about Mozilla, you should. It’s the child of Netscape, born back in the days when there was competition for Web browsers and Two New Tom Waits CDs! May 10, 2002 music I’m the proud owner of not one, but two new CDs from Tom Waits. Alice and Blood Money are more great additions to the library of one of the most CQ May 10, 2002 film I’ve been looking at the site and trailer for the film CQ. A good use of Flash as well. Roman Coppola’s film premiered nearly a year ago at Cannes. Welcome to bitdepth! May 9, 2002 web Chris Campbell here. I’m finally starting a proper ’blog. While I’ve had a presence on the Web for the while it hasn’t been incredibly personalized.