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The Five Obstructions August 21, 2005 film In 1967 Danish filmmaker Jørgen Leth made the short film, Det Perfekte Menneske (The Perfect Human), which is a sparse short film that shows people Dear Frankie August 17, 2005 film Maybe it’s just the films that make it over here, but I’ve loved every film from Scotland that I’ve seen over the last while. The latest one is Dear Strike August 15, 2005 film Filmmaking is a collaborative art that builds upon other media and the work that has come before. There are certain filmmakers who advance the art Broken Flowers August 14, 2005 film Jim Jarmusch doesn’t make big-budget or flashy films. They appear and slowly work their way through film festivals and around art-house theatres. The Agronomist August 12, 2005 film Whether he’s making a thriller, a comedy, a drama, a music documentary or a documentary, Jonathan Demme is able to bring together the elements to Go Further July 26, 2005 film In 2001 Woody Harrelson went on a tour to promote environmentally-friendly alternatives to our destructive lifestyle. Travelling in a bio-fueled bus Charlie and the Chocolate Factory July 16, 2005 film Tim Burton brings his quirky and distinctive style to Roald Dahl’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It’s a wild and wacky ride of a movie Strangers With Candy July 15, 2005 film If you’re gonna reach for a star, reach for the lowest one you can. How did I miss this? In 1999 Comedy Central began airing Strangers With Transatlanticism July 12, 2005 music This is the moment that you know That you told her that you loved her but you don’t. Gentle, understated and evocative are the lyrics and music Podcasting, iTunes and Odeo July 9, 2005 podcasting I’ve been listening to podcasts since last Fall and now that I have an iPod Shuffle, I’m listening to podcasts in a pod-like way instead of via Take the Money and Run July 8, 2005 film One of the things about subscribing to a movies-by-mail service like Zip.ca is that my obsessive tendencies in watching films can be catered to. So Baisers Volés (Stolen Kisses) July 6, 2005 film I’ve been brushing up on my cinematic history lately and was very glad to see Baisers Volés (Stolen Kisses), which is part of François Truffaut’s Get Behind Me Satan July 5, 2005 music The White Stripes are a simple duo that have a knack for catchy, quirky songs that I love. With a bluesy feel and a 70s rock sound I always seem to Batman Begins July 4, 2005 film Christopher Nolan revitalizes and restarts the Batman films with Batman Begins. A zeroing of the cinematic odometer was desperately needed with the Birth July 1, 2005 film is a odd, subtle, and haunting film about love and loss directed by Jonathan Glazer. The film is built around an amazing performance by Nicole Skimskitta June 30, 2005 music The very first online audio that I purchased was Skimskitta by Mira Calix. I found out about Mira Calix through a feature on CBC Radio 3 (click on Sonic Outlaws June 29, 2005 film Craig Baldwin’s 1995 documentary Sonic Outlaws tells the story of audio visual artists and rebels who increasingly are being threated by laws that The Art of Project Management June 26, 2005 books Scott Berkun is my favourite writer of essays on managing people. Through the essays on his site and his essential PM Clinic mailing list, you can Spider June 11, 2005 film Clothes maketh the man and the less there is of the man, the more the need of the clothes. David Cronenberg has had a fascinating career and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy May 3, 2005 film It’s taken a long time for this film to arrive. I’m not sure if any film could live up to the expectations for the adaptation of The Hitchhikers’ Next page