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Millions April 23, 2005 film It wasn’t really about the money. I usually see films that I like more than once, but not usually in the same week. I saw Millions for the All About Lily Chou-Chou April 15, 2005 film One of my favourite films that I saw in 2002 was All About Lily Chou-Chou, which I saw at the Atlantic Film Festival. It was released on DVD a few Make Magazine April 3, 2005 technology & magazine There is something neat about a paper magazine. I often forget about that as so much of what I read now is on a screen. It’s very nice to be able to Blink March 15, 2005 books How quickly can you figure something out? Apparently if you’re good at it, you can tell with very little information very quickly. Malcolm Gladwell A Very Long Engagement March 13, 2005 film Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s films have a very distinctive look and an obsessive attention to detail that result in the creation of gorgeous cinematic Sideways March 12, 2005 film At times when I was watching Sideways I felt as if I was watching an infomercial for California wine, but overall it’s an entertaining look at a The Tipping Point March 5, 2005 film I love Malcolm Gladwell’s writing and while his best known and most influential book is The Tipping Point, I hadn’t read it until a few months ago. Breakfast With Hunter March 2, 2005 film The recent death of Hunter S. Thompson has probably prompted many people to watch the films connected with the good doctor that founded and Ratcatcher March 1, 2005 film Lynne Ramsay is able to capture real moments between people. A big challenge when creating a film is to show character through action and not Stander February 20, 2005 film What if you made a film and nobody saw it? What if you made a great film and nobody saw it? The film Stander, directed by Bronwen Hughes falls into Vera Drake February 14, 2005 film Watching a film is a voyeuristic experience and Mike Leigh structures things so that the conditions are right to increase the chances of real Dirty Pretty Things February 9, 2005 film There is nothing so dangerous as a virtuous man. You can’t find a better dramatic situation than a character who has to struggle with moral The Aviator February 6, 2005 film Martin Scorsese knows how to make a film. How to make it look, sound, and flow. While The Aviator isn’t Scorsese’s best film, it’s great to watch. Maria Full of Grace February 2, 2005 film Sometimes small, independent films miss my radar. A few nights ago I was able to see Maria Full of Grace at the Al Whittle Theatre as part of the Garden State January 30, 2005 film Maybe that’s all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place. It’s good when people take a chance. Zach Braff is Technorati Tags January 14, 2005 web One of the signs that things are maturing with information on the Web is that things are becoming much more closely linked together. A few days ago Napoleon Dynamite January 13, 2005 film Just follow your heart. That’s what I do. After many people telling me to see the film and few people describing it much, I finally saw Napoleon Weaving a Web January 8, 2005 web One thing that I’ve noticed is that I’m increasing my presence online. I don’t know if the quality is increasing or if it is just more stuff, but I What Happened and What’s Next January 1, 2005 technology & history & web The online world was very exciting for me in 2004. Blogging kept plugging away and I rediscovered Blogger which Google purchased. The great thing Top Ten Films of 2004 December 31, 2004 film It’s fun to make lists and I think that I have my top ten films for this year. Looking back I had 5 favourites for 2002 and 7 for 2003, so I figured Next page