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One Thousand Photos December 18, 2004 web I just uploaded a photo to Flickr that brings the size of my archive to one thousand photos. That’s a lot and it confirms my belief that Flickr is a Young Adam December 11, 2004 film Thanks to a mention by Hugh MacLeod. I found out about the film Young Adam, directed by David Mackenzie. It’s a film from Scotland that’s hard to Shaun of the Dead December 4, 2004 film Every now and then you find something interesting by accident and really enjoy it. It’s like a wonderful present and a glimpse of a world you didn’t Melvin Goes to Dinner November 29, 2004 film Remember that night you went out and ran into a friend and had a drink and started talking. You found out a lot about your friend, things you never First Storm of the Season November 17, 2004 weather What a difference a day makes. It was a nice looking snow storm, but it kept coming and when it was over there were close to 40 cm of snow on the First Snow of the Season November 13, 2004 weather I woke up this morning and while the forecast had called for snow, it still was a surprise to see snow covering everything. It’s so peaceful and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind DVD November 11, 2004 film Michel Gondry is an amazing visual filmmaker and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is remarkable, but simple story about love and loss. While Ed Wood November 11, 2004 film I don’t know why, but the DVD release of Ed Wood was delayed several times. Finally it came out and I had to get it since I loved the film when it Community November 5, 2004 people & web I’ve been lucky to be part of many different communities in my life. At the time you don’t necessarily think of them as communities as they just Good Bye, Lenin! October 24, 2004 film is a gently humourous film that is an ironic love letter to East Germany. Wolfgang Becker directs the cast in a subtle way that Filling the Void October 20, 2004 people Hugh MacLeod draws cartoons on the back of business cards and he’s been sharing those cards as well as his great insights into the creative process Bye Bye Browser October 16, 2004 web I’ve been using the browser less and less since I started using NetNewsWire to read RSS feeds. It’s one the best shareware investments that I’ve Snarky Comments Loosely Joined October 15, 2004 web A couple of nights ago I sat down to watch the U.S. Presidential Debate and decided to join in the second IRC chat that David Weinberger set up. I Tarnation October 12, 2004 festivals & film probably isn’t the type of film you’d think that someone would make out of home movies over a couple of decades using iMovie. But then Real Gone October 9, 2004 music The music was like electric sugar. The arrival of a new recording by Tom Waits is always exciting. The latest one, Real Gone, is bold and Atlantic Film Festival 2004 September 22, 2004 festivals & film I’m in the middle of the Atlantic Film Festival this year and it’s a great time. Lots of amazing films and people and not much time to actually Bright Leaves September 16, 2004 festivals & film The reality is slipping away. Ross McElwee is a very personal filmmaker. The first film that I saw by him, Sherman’s March (just out on DVD), Flickr September 6, 2004 photos I like to think that I’m an alpha geek. I try as much stuff out as I can and I like to be able to see things that are coming or things that I want Medulla September 5, 2004 music It’s tricky when you feel someone has done something on your behalf Björk is a fairly unique and talented individual. Her new CD, Medúlla is Shubenacadie River Rafting September 2, 2004 travel Last weekend some friends and I went rafting through the rapids of the Shubenacadie River. The tides in the Bay of Fundy cause the highest tides in Next page