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The Coma August 23, 2004 books “If we wait long enough, something strange will happen.” I’ve only read one novel by Alex Garland and seen one film where he wrote the script. I Blogger August 20, 2004 web I’ve been using Blogger to create a new Screen Arts blog and I really like it. I tried out Blogger when it first started and had a bit of the usual, The Manchurian Candidate (1962) August 19, 2004 film One of the fascinating things about looking at older political thrillers is to see how the political world of the film has changed. Common knowledge Hacking and Making Stuff August 19, 2004 books Hacking is moving into the mainstream. O’Reilly has their successful “Hacks” series of books and people just can’t resist finding out how things Collateral August 17, 2004 film Michael Mann takes a bold step into the world of HD with Collateral. More films are being shot using HD and with a filmmaker such as Mann, who makes The Manchurian Candidate August 16, 2004 film Jonathan Demme has a knack for creating a feeling of uneasiness. He made the amazing The Silence of the Lambs which featured actors looking directly Kayaking in Keji August 6, 2004 travel I live in the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, which is one of the most amazing, beautiful places in the world. Yesterday I went to Kejimkujik Big Fish August 4, 2004 film I’ve liked every one of the films that Tim Burton has made, but for some inexplicable reason I didn’t see Big Fish in the theatre. While many The Dreamers August 3, 2004 film Bernado Bertolucci loves cinema. If you don’t believe me, then see The Dreamers. It’s a light, wonderful love letter to cinema which, for many, is Graduation August 2, 2004 nscc & learning & work Two years ago (less two weeks) I began a journey with the Nova Scotia Community College . I attended New Faculty Orientation which was the first of City of God July 28, 2004 film There are films that are stylish and there are films that have important social messages. Most of the time those are two very different films. Then Stanley Kubrick’s Birthday July 26, 2004 film Today is Stanley Kubrick’s birthday and now I’m starting a tradition of writing about Kubrick on his birthday. Kubrick is one of the most focussed Bus 174 July 24, 2004 film José Padilha’s 2002 documentary Bus 174 is about a bus hijacking in Rio de Janeiro in 2000 is a gripping, heart-wrenching look at an incident as an Stop Motion Animation Workshop July 16, 2004 art Last weekend I facilitated a stop motion animation workshop at Faucet, the media arts part of the artist-run centre Struts Gallery in Sackville, New Six Feet Under Season 2 July 9, 2004 dvd & tv Finally! After far too long, the second season of Six Feet Under has been released on DVD. I don’t understand how HBO releases DVDs… things like The Once Upon a Time in the West July 8, 2004 film Sergio Leone knew how to use the frame. Many years ago I saw “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly” on tv and I was mesmerized by it. Then I was lucky Final Cut Pro HD July 7, 2004 technology & apple & video & editing I’ve been working with Final Cut Pro for a long time. It’s one of those programs that I loved right from the first time that I’ve used it. It feels Spider-Man 2 June 30, 2004 film In the first Spider-Man Sam Raimi had to set everything up and establish the franchise. If he did it well, there would be another film. He did a Fahrenheit 9/11 June 28, 2004 film Michael Moore gets a bit better with each film. Fahrenheit 9/11 continues his series of quirky political documentaries in a very timely fashion. blog1979 June 28, 2004 people Daniel Dugas found an old journal in a box and he’s putting parts of it up. 25 years ago he took a trip around Canada and the U.S.A. starting and Next page