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Spartan June 26, 2004 film David Mamet has a distinctive writing style that blends elements of reality with a stylized way of speaking to create memorable puzzles where you Circular Logic June 25, 2004 art & video Last week I uploaded Circular Logic: 6 Loops in Wolfville to my space at ZeD. The Circular Logic project originally happened for the Digital Conversations June 23, 2004 people Doc Searls points to a great bit of writing on Britt Blaser’s blog Escapable Logic. He writes about blogs as conversations (which is not new) and iBook vs. PowerBook June 19, 2004 technology My Titanium PowerBook has a problem with white blotches on the screen - or behind the screen to be more precise. That means that it’s out for repair Wikipedia June 13, 2004 web Wikis are very neat. They are Web sites that are easily editable by anyone. It’s kind of like a public binder where anyone can add pages and anyone ZeD June 12, 2004 video & web I’ve been a member of ZeD for while and have been watching and lurking without uploading anything. In the past the only thing that I’ve uploaded has Hand Processing Workshop Photos June 11, 2004 film I put some of the photos that I took during the recent hand processing film workshop at the NB Filmmakers Co-op up on my Mac.com site. They are in PDA Memories June 10, 2004 software Steven Frank is one of the co-founders of Panic (makers of essential software such as Transmit, as well as Audion, Desktastic, Unison and Statoo. He Why Live Things Are Cool June 9, 2004 sound Right now as I’m typing this I’m listening to Vicki Bennett’s radio show “Do or DIY with People Like Us” streaming over the Web from WFMU. She’s Hand Processing Workshop June 8, 2004 film [Chris and Tony in the darkroom thumbnail]/_images/hand_processing_workshop.jpg)A couple of weeks ago I took a great hand-processing 16mm and 8mm Creative Commons New Licenses June 7, 2004 copyfight I’m a big fan of the Creative Commons project. They keep expanding the project with new licenses more specifically targeted to music and countries Stevie June 6, 2004 film Last night I saw Steve James’ documentary Stevie which is built around James’ idea of going back to find out how the boy he had been a Big Brother Transmission Tower QTVR June 4, 2004 photos As I mentioned early on in the life of this site, I’ve had a strange attraction to the Radio Canada International shortwave broadcasting station in Fishing With John June 2, 2004 television John Lurie is a very cool guy. He’s a talented composer and jazz musician who also happens to act and hangs out with cool people. Lurie made a tv Public WiFi in Fredericton May 31, 2004 technology I’ve been up to Fredericton briefly a couple of times in the last 3 weeks and one interesting thing that is going on there is that downtown there is The Fog of War May 24, 2004 film Errol Morris is a film craftsman. His films tell challenging stories in visually interesting ways. The Fog of War won the Academy Award for Best Bolex Workshop May 18, 2004 film Last weekend I went up to Fredericton for a two-day workshop at the NB Filmmakers’ Coop. It was the Bolex: 2 Day Filmmaking Boot Camp workshop Down By Law May 12, 2004 film One of my all-time favourite films is Down By Law, directed by Jim Jarmusch. I haven’t seen it in years and maybe not since the first time that I Morvern Callar May 10, 2004 film How can you describe something that works so well without saying a lot? One thing that I don’t like about many reviews is the recounting of the plot The Work of Director Michel Gondry April 26, 2004 film I’ve liked just about everything that I’ve seen from Michel Gondry, from music videos for The Chemical Brothers and Bjork to the film Human Nature. Next page