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Film Co-op Spring Social April 25, 2004 film Friday was a busy day for me. I started out the day with the last day of the term with a wave of assignments coming in to me that now need to be The Office Series 2 April 21, 2004 television I’ve watched a bit of the second series of The Office and I’m still impressed with it. It’s brilliantly written and performed and it is perched on a Mr. Show Season 3 DVD April 17, 2004 dvd & comedy I really like Mr. Show and when it was aired in Canada on The Comedy Network I taped as many as I could. But there were some gaps, but now in the Acting Fun April 6, 2004 film I was lucky enough to be asked to act in a student production yesterday. It wasn’t much of a part, but I loved it as it let me see a bunch of my Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind April 4, 2004 film Michel Gondry’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a low-key film that explores loss and memory. Shot in a hand-held and casual style, it Hellboy April 3, 2004 film Comic books are fertile ground for film adaptation now. With the development of special effects and the success of some recent big-budget comic book Cléo de 5 a 7 (Cleo from 5 to 7) April 2, 2004 film The Nouvelle Vague or New Wave of French cinema in my understanding is defined mainly by Jean-Luc Godard and François Truffaut. When I first saw À Free Culture March 30, 2004 copyfight Lawrence Lessig is Stanford Law Professor who founded the Center for Internet Law and Society. He’s a cogent writer on the intersection between Citizen Kubrick March 27, 2004 film Jon Ronson has a fascinating article called “Citizen Kubrick” in The Guardian today about Stanley Kubrick’s archive. It’s an amazing look into the Mr. Death March 26, 2004 film Errol Morris is a gifted filmmaker who carefully constructs his stories in a deliberate and highly-entertaining fashion. Mr. Death: The Rise and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind March 26, 2004 film George Clooney made his directorial debut with an adaptation of Chuck Barris’ “unauthorized autobiography” Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. It’s an The Virgin Suicides March 25, 2004 film Sofia Coppola’s debut feature The Virgin Suicides has many of the elements of her recent and personal favourite Lost in Translation. I hadn’t seen Neil Postman March 25, 2004 people I know of Neil Postman primarily as the author and critic of technology from his book Amusing Ourselves to Death. His theory from the 1986 book is Film Co-op Memories March 24, 2004 film The first film set that I was ever on was “The Spectre of Rexton” which was directed by Kevin Holden. It was many years ago in the 1980s and my Standing in the Shadows of Motown March 22, 2004 film I’ve been lucky enough to work on documentaries that gave me a chance to meet and learn about amazing people and stories that I would never have New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Cooperative is 25! March 1, 2004 film About 21 years ago I first found out about the New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Cooperative in Fredericton New Brunswick and today the Coop (as I will Wish I Was There February 11, 2004 technology I’ve been looking at some of the notes that people have been taking at the latest O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego and I really You Are Here February 4, 2004 books I’m finishing up a very neat book called You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination that was a Christmas present (which Northfork January 10, 2004 film is a stunningly beautiful, original film by the Polish Brothers, Michael and Mark. It tells the story of the death by drowning of a All Tomorrow’s Parties January 5, 2004 books I just finished reading William Gibson’s All Tomorrow’s Parties which I like a lot. I’ve become a bit of a fan of Gibson in reverse. I’d known about Next page