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Gardens May 5, 2003 places I have to say that I love gardens, but for some reason I am horticulturally challenged. A few years ago we tried to grow some vegetables in our back Square May 4, 2003 music One of the things that I love about living in Nova Scotia is that I keep discovering lots of talent all around…it’s not that there hasn’t been X2 May 3, 2003 film The sequel to X-Men isn’t like the original, even though pretty much everyone is the same on both sides fo the camera. X2 is a lot of fun and not as Elephant May 2, 2003 music A CD that I bought a couple of weeks ago is “Elephant” by The White Stripes. I had heard a few of their songs and seen the amazing Lego video for Pattern Recognition May 1, 2003 books One thing that I’m specifically trying to do is to read more books that aren’t manuals or non-fiction. So I picked up William Gibson’s Pattern Graphic Converter 4.6 April 30, 2003 software One of the applications that I have fallen in love with is Graphic Converter. I used it years ago and then I started using Photoshop and didn’t Whew! April 29, 2003 technology It’s time for some updates to the site as I’m approaching my 1 year anniversary with bitdepth… soon I’ll probably update to blosxom 2.0 (maybe the iTunes 4 April 28, 2003 software Wow! It was a busy day at work…end of the term and lots of marking and adding and wrapping up. In my brief glance at Apple’s Web site this afternoon Emergent Report April 13, 2003 web One thing that I’ve realized about my ’blog (becoming self-reflexive in a very blog-like way) is that I try not to be in the blogrolling mode with They Are Dynamic March 29, 2003 art Iamstatic is back with a redesign and new members. Featured works are by James Paterson and Randy Knott. I saw Randy’s “Don’t Forget to Remember” in Born Magazine March 8, 2003 art I just checked out the Winter 2003 issue of Born Magazine. There is some great stuff there. The “Just Born” section combines an artist and a writer Six Feet Under March 5, 2003 television Some time last year, late one night during a free trial or when I was somewhere that had a cable channel that I don’t subscribe to, I saw a chunk of Human Nature March 5, 2003 film I saw the 2001 film “Human Nature” on the weekend and I liked it. I didn’t know really what to expect, but I wanted to see it since the script was My Wife is an Actress February 24, 2003 film She’s not, actually, but that’s the name of the film we watched last night (Ma Femme est une Actrice). I’ve been on a bit of a French film kick the Cellular Remote Control February 24, 2003 technology Via Rael I saw this nifty little bit of Bluetooth wizardry… the Sony Ericsson Clicker which uses the Bluetooth capability of the cellular phones Something Clicked February 15, 2003 web It’s neat when something comes into focus all of a sudden. I read “The Death of the ‘Comments’ Section. RIP” by Steve Mallett and I finally figured NetNewsWire Goes Pro! February 12, 2003 software It’s great when you get to see something develop and grow and come to fruition. My favourite new app has gone pro and you can register it to help Shuttle Reflections February 5, 2003 technology It’s been a few days and the news cycle revolves around and around alternating between the Space Shuttle Columbia and the pending war in Iraq. I was 24 Hour Party People January 26, 2003 film It seems somewhat appropriate that I saw Michael Winterbottom’s film “24 Hour Party People” around the same time that I saw “Adaptation”. Both films Blosxom is Released January 25, 2003 software Congratulations are in order for Rael Dornfest who has officially released version 1 (and then 1.1) of Blosxom, which efficiently has been powering Next page