January 19, 2003
I finally was able to see Adaptation yesterday and I wasn’t disappointed. It was made by the same team of writer Charlie Kaufman and director Spike
Presentations and Storytelling
January 18, 2003
Doc Searls got me thinking about presentation software which has become a current topic with Apple’s new Keynote software. PowerPoint dominates
January 18, 2003
Last year I first read about iStockPhoto when Zeldman wrote about them. iStockPhoto isn’t your typical online source of royalty-free stock
BlogFodder: Anticipate
January 14, 2003
I’ve subscribed to BlogFodder which is a “micromail” that provides a seed for weblog posting. Meg Hourihan mentioned it and it intriqued me. I’m
How Bloggers Are Like Canadians
January 13, 2003
One of the fascinating characteristics of Canadians that I’ve observed (from the inside, since I’m Canadian) is the concern of what others
Changing the Face of the Web
January 11, 2003
It’s rare that something indispensible is added to your toolkit after a number of years. It is even rarer when an application can change the way you
Creative Commons
January 9, 2003
is a great response to the controversy surrounding the largely American debate concerning copyright. It’s a Canadian issue as well
Gangs of New York
January 7, 2003
I didn’t get to see Martin Scorsese’s latest, “Gangs of New York” until this year, but it would have bumped “Bowling for Columbine” off my list of
Catch Me If You Can
January 7, 2003
Belatedly I will put up a quick review. Spielberg’s latest is Catch Me If You Can. It’s one of those films that are solid and fun, but don’t really
Top Five Films of 2002
December 31, 2002
As the minutes tick away and 2002 ends I figured I’d make a list of the top 5 films that I saw in the past year. In no particular order here it
Top 5 Shareware Applications I’ve Paid For
December 31, 2002
Hmmm… I seem to be in a top 5 mood… The top 5 applications that I’ve registered or use just about every day are as follows (in no particular order)…
Why Rabbits Should Not Roam Free in the House
December 17, 2002
On Sunday afternoon the high-speed Internet connection at home suddenly stopped. I checked and it just wasn’t working. So I called the phone company
Tracing Your Path on the Ground
December 3, 2002
I love it when people use technology for creative things that are outside of the uses that were originally intended. I was reading BoingBoing and
World AIDS Day
December 1, 2002
Today is World AIDS Day. I’m participating in the “Link and Think” project that encourages ’bloggers to link to resources and stories related to the
November 28, 2002
Steven Soderberg has created an amazing version of Stanislaw Lem’s novel “Solaris” (also a 1972 Russian film by Andrei Tarkovsky)that will probably
Monsoon Wedding
November 27, 2002
Yet another film that I saw this weekend was Mira Nair’s “Monsoon Wedding” which is the somewhat loose, but gorgeous tale of a wedding in India with
Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run)
November 27, 2002
In keeping with my catching up theme I finally saw “Run Lola Run” this weekend and I really enjoyed it. Amazing energy, technically superb with a
La Mariée était en noir (The Bride Wore Black)
November 27, 2002
It has been too long since I’ve seen any classic films so I went and rented Truffaut’s “The Bride Wore Black”. I loved it. Come to think of it, I’ve
The Return of SomaFM!
November 26, 2002
I’m very happy to report that my favourite Internet radio station, SomaFM is back on the air. Their “Secret Agent” channel was my constant companion
November 14, 2002
Usually a safe thing to discuss amongst strangers is the weather…for some reason I’ve had a bit too much weather lately. We’ve had heavy rain in
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