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Tidal Wave 2 November 11, 2002 film I just arrived home from the second annual Tidal Wave Film Festival in Fredericton. I had a great time last year and I had a great time this year as Snow! November 8, 2002 travel & weather I’m at my Mom and Dad’s house now… I drove up this afternoon to start attending the Tidal Wave Film Festival in Fredericton. Yesterday was a very When Voices Rise… on tape and DVD October 28, 2002 film The VHS and DVD versions of “When Voices Rise…” were officially launched last Saturday night at the B.I.U. in Hamilton, Bermuda with Errol present. the {fray} October 27, 2002 web Sometimes you see something that triggers a memory of a place that you haven’t visited in a while. I saw a link and then revisted the {fray} which Fun in Yarmouth October 26, 2002 travel I was in Yarmouth this morning and last night I enjoyed an amazing meal prepared by the students in the Hospitality program. I actually had two days Small World October 24, 2002 people & travel Sometimes I’m amazed at how the world seems so small. I’m in Yarmouth now, which is the left side of the map of Nova Scotia. I drove 300 kms West NetNewsWire Lite October 20, 2002 technology & rss & netnewswire One of the great things about OS X (aside from all of the Unix goodness underneath it and the gorgeous surface) is the cool software that is being Comedian Trailer October 19, 2002 film & comedy & documentary There’s a new documentary about Jerry Seinfeld that will (hopefully) be appearing in theatres soon. Documentaries tend not to get wide theatrical Beckett on Film October 19, 2002 film Every now and then something happens that you don’t know about…well I guess that more often than not things would happen that everybody wouldn’t The Conversations October 11, 2002 film I’m reading a book now that I absolutely love. “The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film” is a series of conversations between MOMA Russian Avant-Garde Book Exhibition October 11, 2002 art & books The Museum of Modern Art in New York is an amazing place. While working on Echoes in the Rink: The Willie O’Ree Story we shot in New York and I was CQ DVD October 10, 2002 film I finally was able to see the film “CQ” by purchasing the DVD. I’ve been anticipating it for a while as the trailer looked great. There is always When Voices Rise… Has North American Premiere October 4, 2002 film The most exciting part of the Atlantic Film Festival a couple of weeks ago was the North American premiere of “When Voices Rise…” on Friday, October Critics Take on Bowling for Columbine September 29, 2002 film The Atlantic Film Festival is made up of three major areas: the films, parties and the Industry Series which features a great array or panels and All About Lily Chou-Chou September 29, 2002 film One of the challenges of a film festival is trying to pick out what film to see when there are two films playing at the same time. On the Thursday Little Criminals September 25, 2002 film If you have to come up with a one-liner it’s obvious: “Trainspotting for real…” but it doesn’t really do justice to the film. “Little Criminals” is I am Trying to Break Your Heart September 22, 2002 film One of the documentaries that I was really looking forward to was Sam Jones’ film about the band Wilco called “I am Trying to Break Your Heart.” It 8 Femmes September 18, 2002 film The most unexpected treat of the Atlantic Film Festival so far (aside from the wonderful staff and volunteers) was the French film “8 Femmes” (“8 The Bay of Love and Sorrows September 18, 2002 film Miramichi of the summer of 1973 was evoked in the tragic tale of “The Bay of Love and Sorrows” which is based on the David Adams Richards novel of Bowling for Columbine September 17, 2002 film The first film that I saw at the Atlantic Film Festival was Michael Moore’s latest, “Bowling for Columbine.” A entertaining, at times funny, at Next page