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TheShipsList September 16, 2002 technology & work One of the highlights of my day today was seeing the finished CD-ROM of “TheShipsList” which is the product of a lot of hard work. It’s cool to see England, Half-English September 16, 2002 music One of my favourite musical artists is Billy Bragg. He’s got a new CD out with the Blokes called “England, Half-English.” I’ve been listening to it Atlantic Film Festival September 16, 2002 film It’s here again. The 22nd Annual Atlantic Film Festival. With an almost overwhelming lineup of films this time, I’m going to be using my pass to get Blosxom Continues to Bloom September 15, 2002 blosxom The latest version of Rael Dornfest’s simple, yet powerful ’blogging tool Blosxom is out and I’ve updated the site. It was a very simple transition Faculty Orientation August 23, 2002 learning & teaching & nscc Today I’m leaving Truro after a week of Faculty Orientation to the NS Community College. It’s hard to believe that it’s over and that so much seems Hot in Truro August 18, 2002 learning & nscc I’m in Truro, Nova Scotia now at the beginning of a week-long course that I am taking at the NS Community College campus. The participants are from Slow Month…not! August 16, 2002 screen arts & nscc While the site hasn’t been updated the past few weeks, there is a reason. I’ve started working full-time as a faculty member of the Nova Scotia Intercontinental Spontaneous Jam Session July 31, 2002 art Páll Thayer is an Icelandic artist who has launched his Intercontinental Spontaneous Jam Session on the Web. I saw a version of the ISJS at the Stanley Kubrick July 25, 2002 film It’s Stanley Kubrick’s birthday today. I was trying to rewatch all the Kubrick films that I could before today, but I only managed to get through Macworld NY Stuff July 19, 2002 technology & apple For people who use Macs the year seems to be punctuated with the Macworld shows that are spread out around the world. They are generally the places QuickTime 6 is Official July 15, 2002 quicktime Finally, officially QuickTime 6 is released. I have been playing with the beta on my PowerBook and the MPEG-4 video is very nice and the AAC Audio The Royal Tenenbaums July 12, 2002 film In my almost obsessive collecting of DVDs I carefully look at the DVDs and their packaging and content, interface, etc. One that I had been waiting Web Standards Project July 9, 2002 web Is it important to follow Web standards when it seems that Microsoft has an overwhelming market share? Why yes! I moved away from table-based Souvenir of Canada July 2, 2002 books What does it mean to be Canadian? Or more to the point, how does it feel to be Canadian? In general I think that Canadians have a difficult time Is It Now? June 25, 2002 film Just saw “Minority Report” tonight. I have to say that I really enjoyed it. While “A.I.” was creepy and unsatisfying to me (I kept thinking that That’s Why It’s the Web June 24, 2002 web & technology & people Sometimes when you surf around you find the strangest connections and then at some point you almost wind up looking at yourself in the mirror or at Mr. Show June 24, 2002 dvd & comedy & tv I’m the proud owner of the new DVD of the first and second seasons of Mr. Show. Pretty much impossible to describe, Mr. Show is the brainchild of Internet Radio Dying a Painful Death June 22, 2002 music & copyright On June 20, 2002 my favourite Internet radio station, SomaFM went off the air. I’d first found them through iTunes in the Radio section. Their BBEdit 6.52 June 16, 2002 bbedit & tools I finally took the plunge and updated my copy of BBEdit to the latest version. I’d been procrastinating the update since when I first bought the Ceilidh Connection June 11, 2002 technology One of the cool things about having a PowerBook with AirPort is that you can wirelessly connect to networks… right now I’m sitting in a cafe in Next page