The most exciting part of the Atlantic Film Festival a couple of weeks ago was the North American premiere of “When Voices Rise…” on Friday, October 20th. Errol was around for the premiere (and the Festival) and it was great to be able to spend time with him. There was a good turnout for the film during a very competitive evening. Errol did his usual fine job at the intro and Q&A after the screening. Even though I know the film fairly well from editing it, it’s always great to go to a screening and see the reactions of a new audience. This was the first time that I was able to watch the film with an audience outside of Bermuda, so it was interesting to see what people reacted to in a different context. The highlight of this screening was the revelation during the Q&A that two of the audience members were related to Dr. E.F. Gordon, who is mentioned in the film. His daughter and granddaughter came out for the film and chatted a bit afterwards. Several of the audience members stayed around to discuss the film which was great. All in all a great night!